Kuro - Snacks

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Pairing: Kuro x Reader

Anime: Servamp

Summary: Mahiru is sick, so [Name] has to take care of him, inevitably meeting Kuro.

"Damn you Mahiru..." [Name] mumbled, knocking three times on the front door of their friend's apartment. "Mahiru! Open the door already! I know you're there!" A muffled yell was heard behind the door, and after a few minutes it slowly opened, showing a clearly distressed teen.

"Huh...[Name]? Why are you here...?" He sniffled, grabbing a tissue out of his pocket to blow his nose.

"...Now I see why you forgot." They groaned, walking inside. "Ugh, that explains why I was waiting there for an hour. Fine, I guess I have to cancel my plans to take care of you today."

The boy paused, taking a few seconds to process what they said. Eyes widening, he tried his best to stop his friend to prevent them from seeing the other person living in his residence. "Wait! Hold on, you don't need to do that! I can take care of myself!"

"Hey, you never told me you had a cat." Mahiru paused, watching them softly pet the sleeping Servamp. "What's its name?"

"...Kuro." He responded. Sighing in relief, he was glad that they didn't question him anymore and went back to taking care of him. Picking up the vampire cat, his eye twitched upon realizing Kuro was in fact, not asleep at all.

"Don't you dare turn back to your other form, or I won't give you any snacks once they're gone." He muttered. Kuro grumbled in response.

"Yeah, sure. It'd be a pain to explain everything, anyway. Now put me down already." The cat grumbled back, curling up on the rug in front of the television.

"Mahiru? What are you still doing up? Go back to your bed already, I'll get your food and stuff ready soon." [Name] said, raising an eyebrow at the weird interaction between the two.

"Okay, okay. You know where everything is, right?"

"Geez, stop worrying so much, I won't burn down the place. I'll be fine. Go rest up already." They ushered him back to his room, sighing. Turning back around, they glanced at the cat on the floor. "Hey, Kuro, was it? You don't have to stay in that form, if you want."

The mentioned Servamp cracked an eye open at the human, clearly suspicious. [Name] snickered, further confusing him.

"Besides Mahiru, I'm also friends with Misono, so I got to meet one of your brothers, Lily, I think? Um, the name you know him by is...All of Love, I'm pretty sure. They told me about Servamps and all that crap, so you and Mahiru don't have to explain it to me again." They said, sitting down next to him. "Also, you guys kind of gave it away when Mahiru looked all panicked about me going inside and him whisper-shouting at you. He's...not really the type of person to do that."

Sighing, Kuro changed into his human form with a poof, glaring at the person in front of him. "Ah. This has gotten so troublesome, I could die."

"Wow, you're...really raggedy-looking, huh." [Name] sweat dropped at his unamused face. "The total opposite of Mahiru..."

"His eyes are really cool, though." They briefly thought, then slapped their cheeks in embarrassment.

"Mhm. If you're still busy taking care of him, can you leave me alone now?" He asked, turning the television on. "Also, can you pass me some snacks? There should still be some in the kitchen, even though I already ate most of it."

Not affected by his words, they stood up and went back to the kitchen to prepare some tea and soup for their sick friend. Opening a cabinet, they deadpanned at the small amount of food. [Name] grabbed a bag of potato chips and threw it at the Servamp, making him grunt. After heating up a cup of instant ramen for themselves and successfully making Mahiru eat his food, they decided to sit next to Kuro on the floor.

"....." He slowly turned his head to face [Name], looking back at the food in their hands and raised an eyebrow. "...There's a perfectly fine couch right behind you."

"I know," They replied, keeping their eyes on the television. "Just figured it's more comfortable here if you're sitting down, too."

Kuro squinted at them, then sighed, digging a hand back into the bag of chips. Looking back at Mahiru's friend with noodles in their mouth only served to make him hungrier, he thought.

He heard [Name] halt their eating, suddenly feeling them staring at him. Kuro sighed again, turning his head. "You want some or something? Your staring is kinda creepy."

"Ah, sorry..." They scratched their face, averting their gaze quickly. "It's nothing, don't worry about it."

"...Suit yourself." For some reason Kuro felt the need to hide his face beneath his hood more, but he thought nothing of it and the two went back to watching the screen in a comfortable silence.

"Ah, I wasn't supposed to give you snacks," [Name] suddenly realized, making Kuro blankly stare at them.

"...Too late for that."

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