Maou Sadao - Dates

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a/n: requested by 5sos1Dgirl on quotev!

Pairing: Maou Sadao x Fem!Reader

Anime: The Devil is a Part-Timer!

Summary: First dates can be tough to plan, but [Name] has it all organized, right?

Pacing around their small apartment, [Name] ran a hand down her face as she mentally went back through the plan for the day.

"Okay, the appointment is at 6—no, 7:30 PM, so we'll still have time before that. There's a shopping district nearby that I heard is popular, so we can go there for a few hours before heading towards the restaurant. After that, we can head back and...I think that's it? Leaving me with..."

She checked her phone with the screen flashing the current time, bringing her posture into a slightly more relaxed position.

"...Thirty minutes to get ready. All right." Turning her gaze to the mirror, she took a deep breath before forcing a smile to her lips. "Make sure he's happy at all costs. First we go."

Ringing the doorbell of her partner's apartment, [Name] swayed back and forth on their heels, anxiously waiting for someone to open the door. A few moments after she did, her eyebrows furrowed, hearing loud whispering from inside the room.

"Are they even trying to be quiet...?"

"Oh, it's you, you're here!" Ashiya's voice snapped them out of their thoughts, realizing the man was standing in front of the now open doorway. "Ah, and you're all dressed up too, how nice!"

"The way you're saying it sounds a bit...condescending, Ashiya." [Name] awkwardly laughed, rubbing the side of their arm.

"Oops, my apologies, I didn't mean for it to sound like that." He sheepishly smiled, then eyed the inside of the room with an annoyed expression. "I was only saying that because your dear partner here isn't even ready yet."

"Would you be quiet for like, ten minutes, Alciel?!" The corners of her lips curled upon hearing the familiar voice. "I'm already embarrassed enough as is!"

"...Maou, are still in your pajamas?" She muffled a chuckle hearing him groan out in response. "In any case, we don't really have ten minutes to spare, so please hurry?"

"I'm going, I'm going."

Soon enough, the man came into view, hastily shrugging on a formal-looking suit on top of a wrinkled polo shirt. He paused upon seeing her appearance.

"Woah, you look...!" Maou's jaw dropped, then he quickly coughed, covering his ever-so-slightly flushed face with a closed fist. "A-Anyways. What do you have planned?"

"Dinner, actually." She responded hastily, grabbing ahold of his hand and tugging him down the stairs.

"Eh? But it's so early—!"

"Don't forget to bring home leftovers!" Ashiya called out, watching the pair leave the building.


"Hey, hey, what's the hurry? Slow down a bit, would you?"

"Huh—? Oh, right, sorry." [Name] halted to a stop after hearing his words, pursing her lips. "Well, we're here."

"And where is here, exactly? Seems kinda early to have dinner, no?"

"Yup, I planned ahead for that." She gestured to the plaza filled with shops and people walking around. "Apparently, this place is popular for shopping and stuff, so I figured we could kill time here while we wait."

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