Halloween 🎃

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⚠️ Disclaimer: marijuana use⚠️

Eddie struts down the street making his way towards Bill Denbrough's house.

He notices all the younger kids out trick or treating already as it was almost dark.

As soon as he turns a corner, he sees a tall figure in a dwarf's hat walking his way.


As he got closer he realized it was indeed Richie, "Eddie!!"

"Hey Rich!" Eddie yells back smiling.

It takes Eddie by surprise when Richie runs up and hugs him but Eddie would never ever pull back from a hug. Especially not from one with Richard Elizabeth Tozier.

Richie pulls away and Eddie asks, "What was that for?"

"I just felt like it!" Richie replies and turns abruptly on his heel back the direction he came.

Eddie doesn't say anything and just tries to keep up with Richie, "Why are you walking so fast?" Eddie laughs.

"I don't know, I'm just in a good mood," Richie shrugs his shoulders as they approach Bill's house.

Richie knocks on the door and Bev is the one to "greet" them.

"Oh hello Richard," Bev sneers.

Richie nods, "Hello Beverly," but he can't contain his laughter.

Richie pushes his way past Bev and begins talking to the boys.

"What happened to not talking to him the whole night?" Eddie smirks as he walks in past Bev.

Richie is laughing very loudly at a corny joke Ben had just told as Bill walks into the living room, "Hey guys. Didn't realize you guys were here but now we can head out whenever you all are ready."

"I think we are all ready," Mike smiles looking around at everyone for approval.

Everyone nods their heads in agreement except Bev who just crosses her arms.

Eddie looks over at her and says, "I knew Grumpy was a good choice for you tonight."

She just rolls her eyes and walks over to Ben.

Eddie turns back to the group to see everyone standing up and grabbing their bags.

Eddie locks eyes with Richie for not even a second before he puts the puzzle pieces together.

Richie's high.

Very Very high.

Now it makes sense, he didn't really want to give me a hug. It was just his stoned mind.

Eddie turns his attention away from Richie and looks at Mike. Mike just smiles back at him.

Now they are all out on the street ready to make maybe their last halloween trick or treating, the best one they've had.

"So I have a map of the best places to get candy," Stan says pulling out his phone. He shows Bill and points to certain places.

Mike, Bev, and Ben are having a conversation about the costumes.

And Richie.

Well Richie was poking, hugging, and overall, all over Eddie.

"Richie how high are you on a scale from one to ten?" Eddie asks.

"What do you mean?? I am not high," Richie gasps.

Eddie gives him a look of disbelief as they walk up to a house.

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