Hey Lover

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(An: You guys should just listen to this song on repeat while reading this chapter)

Eddie sits up, the world around him still dark. The long arms that had been holding him were no longer there.

He looks around to see Bill and Stan curled into each other, Mike sleeping peacefully on his side, and Ben snoring his head off but where was Richie?

Eddie gets up and walks into the kitchen where he finds Richie sitting there.

"Hey Rich, " Eddie's sleepy voice says, "What are you doing up so early?"

"I couldn't sleep after you woke up, " Richie confesses.

"Oh, I'm sorry, " Eddie continues walking to the cabinet to get a glass.

"It's okay. I just couldn't stop thinking about my parents, " Richie looks down at the floor.

Eddie looks at him sadly and then suddenly remembers something, "Wait I'll be right back."

Eddie runs to the living room with careful precision so he doesn't stomp on anyone still sleeping. He grabs an item off the couch and runs back to Richie.

"Here, " Eddie hands Richie the sweater, "Maybe this will make you feel a little better."

Richie smiles softly, "I would make a mom joke right now but it's probably too soon."

Eddie rolls his eyes, "Much too soon."

"Well Thanks, Eds, " Richie whispers as he puts the sweater on.

"Of course, " Eddie says, "Wanna turn on some music and cook breakfast with me?"

Richie nods and stands up, "You can choose the music."

Eddie smiles and grabs his phone from the living room. As he walks back into the kitchen Richie is looking through the pantry.

Eddie puts on the song Hey Lover by daughters of Eve.

"This sounds like an oldie, " Richie teases.

"Nineteen sixty-six," Eddie smiles over at Richie.

"What should we make?" Richie asks turning back to the pantry.

"Hmm, Pancakes and bacon?" Eddie suggests.

"That sounds delicious, " Richie nods and walks to the fridge to pull out Bacon.

Soon Eddie and Richie are dancing around together without a care in the world.

"HEY, HEY, HEY LOVER," Eddie yells the lyrics as he pours the batter into the pan.

"YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE A STAR," Richie yells back as he flips pieces of bacon.

Eddie feels complete and whole in these moments. He feels like he could actually see a future with this stupidly cute boy.

Richie just smiles at Eddie as he skillfully flips bacon.

Eddie completely high on his thoughts of Richie didn't notice Mike walking in.

"Hey my dearest Michael," Richie looks over at Mike.

"Goodmorning Richard," Mike laughs and rubs his eyes, "You guys are up early."

"Couldn't sleep," Richie shrugs.

Eddie flips a pancake, "I just woke up to get a glass of water and found Richie sitting here so I didn't go back to sleep."

"Oh," Mike smiles, "Pancakes and Bacon?"

Eddie nods, "And good music."

"Yeah we've been listening to this song the whole morning," Richie laughs.

"Eddie loves this song. He always say it reminds him of someone," Mike says.

"Mike!" Eddie says his cheeks flushing.

"What? It's the truth," Mike chuckles.

"Ooo who is it Spaghetti? Who has your heart?" Richie taunts.

"None of your business Richard," Eddie turns away but once neither of them can see his face he smiles.

Richie just laughs and continues making breakfast.

Quickly after Stan, Bill, and Ben woke up. Stan and Bill were basically inseparable at this point.

"So Bill, Stan," Richie says and the two look over at Richie, "How long have you two been a thing?"

"Uhhh s-s-since y-yesterday, " Bill replies unsure if they are actually a thing.

"Yep, since yesterday," Stan confirms.

"Oh wow," Richie laughs, "No wonder you guys have been together this whole time."

Eddie watches this conversation not really paying attention to what they were actually talking about. He was too engrossed by the way Richie sat and talked. Eddie was entranced by everything Richie did. From the way he would push his thick curls out of his face to the way he put on his shoes.

"You good Spaghetti man?" Richie asks looking over at Eddie as he is pulling his shoes on.

"Hmm? Oh yeah I'm fine," Eddie replies clipping his fanny pack to his waist.

Richie laughs, "You don't seem fine you've barley said anything since everyone has been awake."

"Oh yeah just been distracted," Eddie smiles, "I'm fine."

"By what?" Richie questions.


"Oh I just have a test in my elective class today," Eddie responds, "I'm just trying to remember some of the material," Eddie adds.

"Oh," Richie shrugs, "Have fun with that."

"Bye everyone," Mike says as everyone walks out of the house, "It was nice seeing you again Richie."

"You too man," Richie smiles at him.

Everyone says goodbye to Mike as he walks the opposite direction of them. With that the five of them walk to school together.

Once they get to school Richie is pulled away by Heather.

"Bye Eds," Richie yells, "See you round."

One part that Richie didn't need to add was the wink but he did. He had winked at Eddie. For the rest of the day Eddie couldn't stop thinking about that stupid wink.

(An: Hey, Everyone I hope you enjoyed this chapter💕 So I have some ideas for this book but I'm not exactly sure If I wanna put them in but if you have any ideas just put them in the comments)

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