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The bell.

The bell was ringing. Ringing it's eardrum-shattering sound and Eddie wasn't in class.

He was standing in the hallway dumbstruck.

What just happened Eddie thinks.

Eddie was casually walking to class when he bumped into a tall person running down the hall.

"Thanks dickwad now I'm gonna be late to class," Eddie started picking up his things annoyed.

"Shit sorry," a familiar voice said.

Eddie looked up to see thick cokebottle glasses and messy black curls. A crimson color started to appear on Eddie's cheeks.

The tall figure bent down to help Eddie pick up his things.

"Thanks," Eddie said.

"No problem," Richie said beaming, "Eddie right?"

Eddie almost choked on his own spit. Richard Elizabeth Tozier knew his name.

"Yep, that's me," Eddie replied still in shock.

Richie laughs such a sweet laugh Eddie could've died right then an there.

"Are you going to Heather's party tonight?" Richie questioned.

Of course Eddie's first thought was to say no. He DID tell Bev he was one hundred percent positive but what if he got to hang out with Richie.

"I wasn't invited," Eddie said quickly looking down at his small feet.

"Well Eds you are officially invited to Heather's party," Richie said smiling, "And I better see you there."

"Don't call me Eds," Eddie snapped at Richie, "but yeah maybe I will come."

Richie turned on his heel, "Well see ya around eds."

The whole scene replays in Eddie's head as he stands in the hallway watching Richie walk around the corner.

Well shit.

He is in fact going to Heather's party.

Eddie finally comes back down from cloud nine and realizes he's late to class.

Eddie takes off down the hall heading to Pe. He quickly changes into his pe uniform and runs out to the class' netting spot. Eddie takes a seat next to Beverly Marsh.

"Where the fuck where you?" Bev asks in a whipser, "you are always very punctual," she adds.

"I got caught up," he says trying not to say that he was with Richie, "Also I'm going to Heather's party."

"You are?" Bev raises an eyebrow at him, "You said one hundred percent sure."

"Well I thought I was," Eddie replied, "but I changed my mind."

"Okay whatever," Bev says as they start running the mile.

Beverly had always been one of the fastest runners during Pe. She could run the mile in six minutes. Sadly, for Eddie he took anywhere from nine to twelve minutes. As Bev raced down the track Eddie was left with his thoughts.

Why does Richie have such an affect on him? Why did Richie Invite him to Heather's party? WHY DID HE AGREE TO GO TO HEATHER'S PARTY?

All these questions chase Eddie as he runs down the track. Eddie's pace started to increase quickly. Soon he had caught up to Beverly with out even realizing it.

"Shit Kaspbrak," Bev laughs as she tries to catch up to Eddie.

Eddie continues to run faster and faster. He finished the mile in a lighting fast time of 5 minutes.

Eddie stops and bends over. He's can't breath.

Inhale, exhale.
Inhale, exhale.
Inhale, exhale.


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