Late Night Scandal

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Richie watches as Eddie closes his front door. With one of his sweaters gone he started to shake a little. He stood on Eddie's front deck for a few minutes before finally walking away.

It was almost Nine pm. He promised her he'd meet her at nine.


Richie starts to speed up his walking pace not wanting to be late. The blistering wind smacked his face. He didn't enjoy the feeling it reminded him of his father's cold hands.

No don't think of him right now.

Richie made his way to Voucher Street, the houses getting smaller, the grass getting less green, the roads having more potholes.

There she stood. Waiting for him, his stomach doing flips as he walked up behind her.

"Hey," Richie says and she turns around.

"Hey," the girl runs up to Richie and places a quick kiss on Richie's lips, "I missed you."

"I missed you too Bev," Richie says playing with the fabric of one of his sweaters.

(An: Plot Twist bitches)

Bev grabs Richie's hand and they stroll down the deserted street to the small gas station waiting for them like it did almost every night.

They walked in hand in hand, Bev uses her other hand to grab snacks. Usually Richie would mimick her actions but be grabbing way more than her.

"What's wrong?" She asks concerned.

"I can't keep lying to them, especially Eddie" Richie says, "He's so sweet and I don't want to hurt him."

Beverly drops his hand and sighs, "I know we should have told him that we'd met before the party."

"That'd we'd met? You mean that I'm cheating on Heather with you?" Richie asks rolling his eyes.

"Yeah," Bev states simply, "We should've told him."

"He's gonna hate me, isn't he?" Richie looks at the ground trying not to tear up, "I hate even thinking that anyone hates me."

"He barely knows you, he's gonna hate me before he hates you," Bev says.

Richie looks up, "We should just stop this. If we just stop seeing each other and don't tell anyone, nobody will ever know."

Bev looks up at him, tears threatening to soak her face, "but we can't just quit on each other after a whole year."

"Beverly you say that like we're dating, We're not. You're my casual hookup on the side and I'm yours and I don't think we'll ever be more," Richie shakes his head.

"But-" Beverly starts only to be cut off by Richie.

"No buts Bev, I can't do this anymore. I'm sorry," Richie goes in to give her a small hug but she pushes him away.

"No, We're done remember," Bev sneers.

"Yeah, We are done," Richie leaves her in the middle of the isle.

He walks out without saying another word not even looking back. Once he was outside he let a breath, he didn't even know he was holding, out.

Richie kept walking to were the streets got better, the grass greener, and the houses bigger. He sees Eddie house and smiles. He didn't plan on going to see him again but knowing that his new friend was in there made him smile. He wasn't gonna let Beverly Marsh ruin his new friendship even if she did have Eddie first.

He stops for a moment and studies the little details about Eddie's house be didn't notice before. The way the path bends just slightly and the rose bushes needing to be cut back. Richie decides he better get going before somebody sees him standing in front of Eddie's house.

Richie keeps walking and heads towards the even bigger houses. The rich neighbor. Where his girlfriend lives. He walks at a quick pace, of course, due to his long legs. Finally his girlfriend's house comes into view. Richie knows her schedule and she's probably already in bed but he climbs up the pipes anyway. The cold poles numbing his big hands.

Richie knocks on Heather's window. He hears an object drop and the blinds quickly opened. Heather's expression softens as she realizes it is only her boyfriend.

"Hey hottie," Richie says as she opens her window.

"Hey, Chee," Heather says as she walks away from the window, "What are you doing here so late it almost ten thirty."

"I know but I missed my sweet girlfriend," He jumps into the house and hugs Heather.

She pushes him away, "Wait," She comes close to him and smells his sweater, "Why does your hoodie smell like Cherry Blossom perfume?"

Richie panics not wanting Heather to find out, "uhhh oh it was probably just Eddie, you know how he is, girly boy."

"Oh yeah, I forgot you were hanging out with that fairy," Heather rolls her eyes.

"He's not so bad," Richie slightly defends Eddie.

"Whatever, just come here and kiss me," Heather demands and Richie complies pressing his soft lips to hers.

In the middle of the night, Richie slips his clothes back on and heads out of Heather's window and out into the cold once again.

To his own house.



(An: Early update because I've been slacking love ya guys 💕)

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