The Blackout

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"Eddie?" A familiar voice sounded. The sent of cigarettes and Cherry Blossom perfume reaching Eddie's perfect button nose.

"Beverly?" Eddie asks confused. He was in a strange room.

"What the hell happened?" Eddie looks around trying to get a grip.

"You nearly killed yourself," Bev says, "you started running faster than me and everyone else. You just blacked out."

"I- I blacked out?" Embarrassment buries it's self into Eddie's cheeks.

"Yeah, you did. I saw you just fall to the ground. I've never ran so fast in my life. You were out for at least 20 minutes." Bev informs Eddie.

"Oh, but where are we?" Eddie rubs his eyes.

Bev laughs her ridiculously sweet laugh. Her laugh is like, well like heaven's choir. The way her whole head tilts back. Her shoulder length hair falling behind her sunkissed shoulders. Her bangs falling into her eyes. The way she reaches up and swipes them away. Eddie may have called The entire losers club his best friend but he was sure that Beverly Marsh was the best of the best.

She saved him.

"You're telling me you don't recognize where we are?" Bev laughs, "You spend half of your life here."

Eddie still looks confused so Bev answers his question with a full answer, "We are in the nurses office Edward."

Eddie laughs his annoying laugh. He quickly pretends to cough to cover up the laughing.

"Dude, seriously are you okay? Why were you running so damn fast," Bev asks concern setting itself in her voice.

Every breath Eddie breathes he feels like he is annoying people. He feels like he is a nuisance to everyone. They only put up with him out of pity. They pity his because of his mother. Eddie Kaspbrak thought he was the most annoying person ever.

"Yeah, I'm fine you don't have to worry about me," Eddie replies quickly.

"But I do worry," Bev answers.

Eddie realizes how much he loves Beverly Marsh in that moment. She had saved him from his own thoughts. She saved him from his mother. She had become a mother figure to Eddie. In Eddie's eyes almost no one could top Bev. Almost no one.

"Well I'm fine Bev," Eddie says rolling his eyes, "I was just stressed about a test."

Eddie lies easily. As they say strict parents raise sneaky kids. That was especially true for Edward Kaspbrak and his mother, Sonia. When Eddie was little Sonia was convinced that Eddie had every disease in the book. She had Eddie tested for EVERYTHING. When he met the losers club, they made him realize that he didn't have any diseases.

One day Mike had invited all five other losers out to the farm. It was getting late. Way past the time Eddie's mother would let him go out. So, Eddie snuck out. His first time sneaking out. He had felt so alive that night. Riding his bike, the cold air wrapping it's hands over Eddie's olive skin.

"I love this feeling," Eddie had said to Stanley.

Looking over at Eddie, Stan said, "What feeling?"

"The feeling of being a rebel," Eddie replied simply.

Stan had laughed. What Stanley didn't realize was that Eddie had never been out past eight o'clock.

Eddie thinks that was the best day of his life. For now.

"Okay, Fine just don't do that again," Bev replies in her motherly type way.

"I promise, I won't," Eddie looks at her being completely honest.

"Alright, I have to get to class though but the nurse said you could stay as long as needed," Bev shrugs her shoulders.

"Yeah, I'll probably be here for a bit longer. I kinda have a headache," Eddie holds his head.

"Okay well, I'll see ya later spaghetti," Bev says giving him a little salute.

Eddie waves and is again alone with his thoughts. They cloud his brain like a rainy day. He decides he can't be alone so he heads to math class. He can't focus on anything anymore so he just puts his pencil down and pretends to listen to the teacher.

Tonight is the party.

And he's going.

He's gonna see Richie.

And he's gonna make sure to get his attention.

No matter what.


(An: Hey guys, so I'm so happy for all the support you guys are giving. It means a lot🥺💓 I'm gonna try to update every two days but of course life doesn't always work perfectly so I might miss a few updates. I just moved like two days ago so I'm still unpacking and stuff. Also later in the book their might be a few trigger warnings but I will write something at the top of the chapter. Anyway, thank you guys so much!! And I hope you enjoy the rest of the book)

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