The Fight

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Eddie sits in his stupidly boring History class, smiling. Smiling because Richie Trashmouth Tozier just asked Eddie of he wanted to go see a movie.

Like a date. Well not really. Stupid Heather.

Eddie had been walking to class with Bill, Stan, and Ben when Richie walked up and tapped Eddie on the shoulder.

"Hey Spaghetti, Can I talk to you?" Richie smiled at Bill, "What's up Big Bill nice to see you."

"N-nice to s-s-see y-you t-too," Bill smiled back but before Richie could say anything else Bill was dragged away by Stanley.

Once the rest of the group walked into class Eddie turned to Richie, "So what's up?"

"I was just wondering if you wanna go see a movie sometime," Richie said looking at the ground.

Eddie eyes widen, "Actually?"

"Yeah...," Richie didn't look up, "You don't have to say yes or anyth-"

"Yes. I would love to," Eddie cuts him off.

Richie seemed relieved, "Oh okay, awesome."

"Do you want my number so we can text?" Eddie asks.

"Yeah that would be nice," Richie pulls out a small phone.

"My number is it Five two zero six seven three five two eight nine," Richie puts Eddie's number in his phone.

They talked about random stupid things as they walked the rest of the way to their History class.

That brings us to where Eddie is currently sitting in history smiling at Richie.

"Mr. Kaspbrak what's the answer to number five?" Mr. Walters looks at Eddie.

"Uhhhh," Eddie looks down at his paper trying to find the question.

Everyone was looking at Eddie now causing Eddie's breath to leave his lungs.

"Uhm," Richie raises his hand, "The answer is King Tut sir."

"Thank you Mr. Tozier," Mr. Walters continues with the lesson.

Eddie looks at Richie gratefully. Richie just nods and looks back to his paper.

Soon the bell was ringing alerting everyone that school was over. Eddie says goodbye to the male losers as they split paths.

Eddie begins walking that back way out of school but he stops because he sees a dumb mullet and black curls.

"YOU DONT GET TO CHOOSE WHO I HANG OUT WITH HENRY!" Richie spits in Henry's face.

"HE'S A FUCKING FAGG*T!" Henry bellows.


"YEAH MORE LIKE BOYFRIEND!" Henry punches Richie in the jaw.

"EVEN IF HE WAS IT WOULD BE NONE OF YOUR CONCERN!" Richie spits out blood and tackles Henry punching him right in the face.

Eddie stands still watching Richie beat the daylights out of Henry. Soon Henry is a bleeding mess on the ground.

Richie stands up and spits his own blood in Henry's face, "Leave me and the rest of those kids alone."

Henry just whimpers laying on the ground.

"Got it?" Richie says fiercely.

Henry nods trying to push himself away from Richie.

"Okay good," Richie starts walking off school grounds.

Eddie watches and Henry stands up and limps away before he finally gets the courage to move.

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