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(An: me: *doesn't update for ages*
Also me: *finally comes back and updates* Uhm hey... How y'all doin')

It is six o'clock as Eddie sits in his room, looking at himself in the mirror. As he always does. However, this time he looks stupid and everyone knows it.

The group couldn't think of another costume so they were forced to go as the seven dwarfs.

Everyone collectively decided which dwarfs everyone would be and they chose as follows.

Bill as Doc.
Richie as Dopey.
Stan as bashful.
Ben as sleepy.
Eddie as Sneezy.
Mike as Happy.
And finally Bev as Grumpy.

On any normal day Stan would have been Grumpy and Bev would've been bashful but since Bev was so ticked off about Richie joining them everyone decided to make Bev, Grumpy.

Eddie looks at his brown shirt and his yellow hat and scoffs at how ridiculous he looks.

"This is so dumb," Eddie mumbles to himself.

He jumps as he hears a knock on the door. He turns around wondering who it could be.

Eddie walks down the stairs and opens the door to see blonde curls, "Oh hi Stan," Eddie smiles, "It's not time to meet up, why are you here?"

"I don't really know, I just I think I need help," Stan sighs, "I'm just.. I don't even know."

"Well come on in," Eddie gestures behind him, "and you can figure it out." So Stan walks in and sits on Eddie's couch.

"Thank you Eddie," Stan looks up at him and gives him a grateful smile.

"Of course. Want a snack or something? Maybe some salmon dip? You look like you'd enjoy salmon dip," Eddie chuckles a little.

Stan smiles, "Yes actually I would."

"Okay great, come with me to the kitchen," Eddie walks down the hall towards the kitchen.

Stan gets up and follows Eddie looking at the pictures on the wall.

Eddie opens the fridge and pulls out the salmon dip and he hears Stanley clear his throat, "What picture used to be here?"

Eddie turns around and walks back out into the hall to see what Stan is talking about, "Oh, honestly. I'm not exactly sure. My mom took it down when I was young. I think it might have been of my dad."

"I see," Stan says and walks into the kitchen.

Eddie follows him, and walks over to the cabinet and grabs some pita chips, "Here," Eddie hands Stan the bag and the container of Salmon dip.

"Thank you very much Eddie," Stan responds.

Eddie sits down at the kitchen table. Stan mimicks his actions and sits across from him.

The two were never particularly close but they had, had their fair share of nice moments together.

Eddie recalled a few days after Bev had invited Eddie to sit with them. Stan walked into the boys bathroom to find Eddie in one of the stalls crying.

"Oh my goodness, Eddie?!" Stan asked concerned.

"I- I'm.. it was Henry. I was just trying to use the restroom and he came up and started fucking with me," Eddie stuttered out.

Stan had pulled him close and they sat in that bathroom for 40 minutes while Eddie cried into Stan's lap. That was the first time Stan ever missed a class.

"So, why'd you choose me to help you tonight?" Eddie asks as Stan begins eating the dip.

"Well," Stan pauses as he chews, "It's about Bill. I figured you know him best, you're his best friend."

Eddie watches the way Stanley carefully grabs each chip out of the bag, and how he carefully puts the same amount of dip on each chip.

"Yeah, that would make sense, as to why you'd want to come to me," Eddie smiles, "and I'm glad you did. So what's the issue?"

"I- well," Stan starts but cuts himself off, "How long has Bill liked me?"

"He told me he's liked you since like 7th grade," Eddie shrugs, "I obviously didn't know you guys back then."

"Yeah," Stan looks down, "Did he tell you when he knew?"

"Well he said something about finally convincing you to sneak out with him one night, and it was just you and him and you two went star gazing," Eddie smiles as he sees Stan's face light up.

"Oh yes I remember that night well," Stan beams recalling the night, "That was the night I first started to consider that I might like guys."

Eddie grins, "Yeah Bill said he knew he liked boys when he walked in on you changing that one time in 6th or 7th grade. I can't exactly remember the date."

Stan begins laughing, the skin around his eyes crinkling, his eyes shining, oh god he was truly in love with Bill Denbrough wasn't he?

"Yeah I remember I screamed at him because I was butt naked," Stan chuckles.

Eddie just smiles as he can see all of the good memories with Bill flooding back into his memory. His eyes sparkled, twinkled. He was in love. So was Eddie but the difference here is that Bill loved Stan back.

"You know you're costume looks good, Eddie," Stan says bringing himself back to where he was currently.

Eddie looks down and smiles, "Thanks to be honest I wasn't feeling it but I'm glad you like it."

Stan sets the dip and chips down and stands up, "Thank you Eddie."

Stanley walks over and hugs him. Eddie hugs back eager for any sort of physical contact, "No problem, I'm always here."

"Alright, I told Bill I'd meet him early so I'm gonna go," Stan states, "I'll see you later."

"Okay, see you in a little while," Eddie replies as Stan walks out of the kitchen and then Eddie hears the front door close.

Eddie may never know why Stanley was really upset that night but he did know that he made Stan feel better and that's all he needed to know.

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