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A short boy, with short brown hair and sparkling brown eyes, stands in the school hallway with his best friends, Beverly Marsh and Bill Denbrough.

"R-right Eddie?" Bill asks.

Eddie looks up at his friends clueless, "Uhhh yeah."

"See Eddie a-ag-agrees with me, " Bill returns to his argument with the firey haired girl.

Eddie pays no mind to his friend's argument. He's too busy staring at a tall boy with black messy curls. Eddie watches as Richie Tozier puts his arm around Heather Wilson.

Oh, Heather Wilson. Not tall but not short. Not stupid but not outrageously smart. Not quite beautiful but not ugly either. She was just an average blonde girl. For some reason, the most popular boy, Richie Tozier, had taken an interest in her when they were freshmen. Now two years later they are still together.

Once upon a time Eddie Kaspbrak and Heather Wilson were best friends. Of course, up until, Eddie decided he liked boys.

In eighth grade, Eddie had called Heather at 2:30 am to tell her something that would change their relationship forever.

"Heather?" Eddie had asked nervously.

"Yeah, Eddie what's up?" Heather asked.

"I gotta tell you something, but you have to promise not to tell anyone, " Eddie begged on the verge of tears.

He was so afraid she wouldn't accept him. He was completely correct.

"Of course, I promise, " Heather scoffed, "What kind of a best friend would I be if I told anyone?"

"Okay, " Eddie took a deep breath, "I think I like boys."

There had been a long silence on the line and for a second Eddie thought she had hung up.

"You what?" She finally asked.

"I like boys, " He said more confident.

"That's disgusting, " Heather sneered.

"Oh, " Eddie replied losing all of his confidence.

Eddie had trusted her with his deepest secret. The very next day she told the entire school.

As Heather and Richie walk by Eddie and her make eye contact and she smirks at him. Somehow she knew. She knew Eddie liked Richie.

"You who, Earth to Eddie, " Bev waves her hand in front of Eddie's face.

"Yeah sorry, " Eddie looks away from the couple walking down the hallway.

"So, are you g-guys going to the p-pa-party?" Bill asks.
(An: I'm so sorry this is so cliche)

"What party?" Eddie asks confused.

"Eddie, Bill and I have been talking about Heather's party for the past 10 minutes, " Bev raises an eyebrow, "Where were you?"

"Uhhh, " Eddie starts.

"Stop being a lovesick puppy and pay attention Kaspbrak, " Bev jokes.

Bev had found Eddie sitting by himself in the library on the second day of freshman year. She had walked over and sat down without saying a word.

"Can I help you?" Eddie asked politely.

"Yes, yes you can, " Bev said and a smirk formed on her face, "I'm inviting you to come eat lunch with my friends and I."

Eddie looked up, "Are you sure?" The insecurity evident in his voice.

"One hundred percent positive, " Bev said as she started to pick up Eddie's things.

Bev brought Eddie outside to her group of friends the so-called "Losers Club". The club included Stanley Uris, Ben Hanscom, Bill Denbrough, Beverly Marsh, and Mike Hanlon but he was homeschooled Eddie found out. Eddie ate lunch with them and the rest was history.

"I'm not lovesick, " Eddie snaps.

"T-t-tell that to your f-fa-face, " Bill says laughing.

Eddie blushes, his freckles becoming more prominent against the tint of red.

"Whatever, I'm not going to that whore's party, " Eddie scoffs.

"Eddie!!" Bev says hitting his arm hard, "Do not call any woman a whore!!"

"Sorry, but you know what she did, " Eddie replies.

"I know but that doesn't give you any right to call her that, " Bev explains.

"I know, okay I'm sorry, " Eddie says rolling his eyes.

"I might go, I was invited but I don't know yet, " Bev says finally replying to Bill's question.

"Y-yeah I think I'm gonna go, " Bill says, "I t-t-think Stan is going."

"Okay then I think I'll go too, " Bev announces, "Are you sure you don't wanna go eds?"

Eddie thinks for a minute, "Yep one hundred percent positive, " he says repeating the words that started their friendship.

"Fine, " Bev says rolling her eyes.

Eddie and Beverly came up with this thing where if they really mean something they say they are one hundred percent positive. That had come about because the losers club was talking about how they had all met each other. When they asked Eddie how Bev found him, he recalled the sweet words she had said to him.

"That should be our thing!" Beverly declared.

"What should?" Eddie asked slightly confused.

"We should say I'm one hundred percent positive when we truly mean something, " Bev asserted.

Eddie had laughed and said it was stupid but here he was using it to show he truly meant what he said.

He was not going to Heather's party.

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