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Eddie sits in his science class taking rigorous notes on human anatomy. The class would be taking a huge test on Friday and Eddie could not fail it.

Eddie looks up again. His vision is blocked by none other than Richie Tozier.

"Hey, Eddie," Richie says smiling, "I was wondering if you wanted to be my study partner."

Eddie begins to laugh, thinking this is just one of Richie's jokes. Richie was a jokester. That's what he was known for. Class clown. However, this time Richie didn't laugh.

"Wait, are you serious?" Eddie says the laughter getting caught in his throat.

"Yes," Richie replies simply.

"Uhhhh Uhm," Eddie stumbles to find the right words, "Yeah that would be awesome."

"Okay, Do you wanna come to my house or do we wanna go to your house?" Richie's eyes twinkling.

"Oh uhhhh," Eddie wants to go to Richie's house but his anxiety kicked in and he thinks well what if it's a trick. What if he's just trying to bring me over to his house to embarrass me. Honestly why else would he be talking to me. I'm a loser. If Bev could read his thoughts she would have corrected him and said no you're a lover. Richie is popular. Loser and popular can't be friends. Or anything more than friends. Can they?

"Uhhhh my house would be good," Eddie says finally answering Richie's question.

"Okay today then after school?" Richie had been looking at the floor but he looked up and made eye contact with Eddie, "Wanna meet out back by the pe shed? It's a quick way out of school that nobody uses."

"Yeah, sounds good. See you after school," Eddie is suddenly saying.

There is that sound. The sound of the bell. Smashing Eddie's ear drums with a hammer.

"See ya eds," Richie says but Eddie was much too distracted to correct Richie with his usual bite.

Eddie walks down the hall with his head down, trying not to be seen. Eddie is trying to make his way to his usual meet up spot with Beverly. Suddenly and swiftly Eddie's grabbed and pulled into a closet.

"What the fuck?" Eddie exclaims.

His heart was racing. Pounding out of his chest, about to explode.

"Shut up faggot," Henry Bowers says covering Eddie's face with his grimy hand.

Eddie couldn't see much in the dark closet but Eddie could tell the Henry's gang wasn't in their with him. Henry pulls out his trusted side kick. The knife. The exact same knife. All Eddie could think was that what happened to his old bestfriend was about to happen to him.

Eddie could faintly hear Henry yelling at him.

"Do you hear me!" Henry says, "Stay away from Tozier!"

Suddenly Eddie's head was spinning. Why did Henry want him to stay away from Richie? Were they friends? Was the person he liked friends with his bully?

A million thoughts sprinted through Eddie's head running a race to the finish line to see which would be the truth.

All of the sudden Eddie could taste iron in his mouth. Blood. Eddie saw Henry's fist coming back for a second blow. Somehow Eddie didn't notice the first. He was too entranced in his own world that he couldn't even feel himself get punched in the face.

This time he felt it. Felt Henry's giant rings make a ugly gash in his perfect face.

"Okay! I get it I'll stay away from him," Eddie yells.

"Good you better," Henry drops Eddie and walks out.

Eddie sits on the stone cold floor. Crying. The tears stinging his blood smeared face. He thinks of how Bev is probably sending out the entire losers club to search for him. However, Eddie doesn't really wanna be found. He can't have them see him like this. He knows they'll wanna help him.

I don't need help. I'm fine. I'm sure it's just a little cut on my face. I can take care of it myself.

It wasn't just a little cut. It was bleeding profusely and wouldn't stop. He knew he was gonna need stitches but didn't want to admit it so he didn't find bev. No he didn't even go to the nurse's office. He sat in that cold closet. He sat there until the end of the day.

Until he would see Richie.

An: Sorry for the late update bubs but I was super busy yesterday🥺 Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed💓

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