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The planning begins in Bill Denbrough's basement. As it always did.

Eddie sits next to Beverly, who was currently suggesting that they all dress up as Ninja's for Halloween.

"What!? No! We have to do something very original and intricate because then people will give us more candy, " Stan is explaining, as Eddie twiddles with his thumbs trying to figure out how to bring it up.

"Seriously? You think that will get us more Candy?" Mike laughs.

"Yes, yes I do," Stan crosses his arms.

"Aww S-stan i-its o-o-okay Mikey was j-just p-playing," Bill puts his arm around him, and Stan huffs.

"H-hey guys," Eddie's voice cracks as he tries to get everyone's attention, "I was wondering if," He pauses when everyone turns to him.

"Wondering what?" Ben urges him to finish.

"Uhm, if maybe Richie Tozier could join us?" Eddie finishes quickly looking down.

Bev is the first to answer, "Nope."

"What. Why?" Stan gives her a weird look, "Why were you so quick to say no?"

"He's a bad person and I don't want him around you boys," Bev sternly says almost as if she's their mother.

"He is not!" Eddie says defensively, "He's a very sweet guy."

"Yeah, how would you know if he was a bad person? You've only met him once or twice," Stan raises an eyebrow, "Right?"

Beverly rolls her eyes but Eddie saw the slight trace of fear she had in her eyes. He should have known right then and there, that something was wrong but he brushed it aside.

"Well, I've seen him around school and he gets in trouble a lot with teachers," she argues.

"So do you," Ben contradicts.

"That's besides the point!" Bev says trying to prove her point but miserably failing.

"I-i think we s-s-should just l-l-let Richie j-j-join us," Bill announces.

"See if Bill says it, it's final," Eddie crosses his arms and scoots away from Bev.

"Fine, whatever but I'm not gonna talk to him the whole night," Beverly says.

"Okay fine," Eddie rolls his eyes.

"We still need to figure out a group costume," Mike reminds the group.

Bill smiles, "maybe w-w-we should be the s-s-seven dwarv-v-ves and Bev can be grumpy."

"Shut up Denbrough," Bev rolls her eyes.

"Just proving his point Beverly," Stan slightly smiles.

"Yeah Baby just calm down," Ben rubs her back.

Bev sighs and leans into his touch. Eddie notices Bill and Stan sitting very close together as well. Oh God how Eddie wished he was sitting like that with Richie.

Eddie sitting on Richie's lap. Richie holding his hand as they walk down the street.

"So yes?" Mike was saying.

"Y-yeah s-s-seven o'clock," Bill agrees, "You got that Eddie?"

"Oh what? Uh yeah?" Eddie says hesitantly.

"We are gonna meet at seven o'clock on Halloween," Stan tells him.

"Oh okay, I got it," Eddie confirms.

"O-okay," Bill smiles.

(An: sorry this is so short🥺 I've been in so much drama it's ridiculous, thank you to all the people who wished me and my now ex boyfriend well but a lot of stuff happened yesterday and let's just say I'm glad I'm single lmaoo well anyway, I'm gonna try to focus on this story a little bit more.)
Update 2/6/21 : I'm trying to work on the next chapter so hopefully it'll be out soon

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