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"EDDIE!!" Richie yells.

Eddie turns around and waits for the tall boy to catch up to him.

"What's up Richie," Eddie says, the black circles under his eyes are worse than they had ever been in his life.

"Hey, I heard about your mom," Richie gives Eddie a sad look, "and I wanted to say I'm sorry."

Eddie looks up at him and shrugs his shoulders, "Nobody could do anything about it. She was overweight and didn't eat healthy. It was kind of expected."

"Yeah, that's true," Richie grabs his backpack off of his shoulder and opens it, "Here since you're sad about your mom," Richie shows him the sweater, "And last time you gave me the sweater I was upset so I figured I could give you the sweater to cheer you up a b-," Richie starts rambling.

Eddie cuts him off and smiles, "Yeah I'll take it."

Richie smiles, "Okay, Uhm I have to go so," Richie points his thumb behind him, "Class."

Eddie nods, "See ya round."

Richie turns away, his black curls bouncing as he walks towards the opposite end of the hall. Eddie looks in front of where Richie is walking to see Heather standing there, talking to her friends. Richie walks up and puts his arm around her.

Eddie pulls his eyes away and heads to his class Math class.

He meets Ben and Stan in the hallway, because they all have Math together.

"Hey, Eddie," Ben says, "Who's sweater?"

"Oh just Richie's. He gave it to me to cheer me up," Eddie shrugs his shoulders.

"Oh okay, " Ben says, "Also how are you doing?"

"I'm okay I guess," Eddie says.

"My mom said, you could spend the night if you'd like," Ben repeats the words his mother spoke this morning.

Eddie smiles, "Uhm, actually I think I need to get used to sleeping in the house without my mom you know."

"Yeah, I understand, " Ben smiles, "Well if you ever wanna spend the night your always welcome."

"Thanks Ben," Eddie says, "But if you guys are allowed I'd like it if you'd spend the night. I'll ask Bill and Mike too.

"Yeah, I think my mom will be okay with that," Ben says.

"I'll ask my dad," Stan says finally speaking.

"Okay," Eddie smiles, "I've been kinda scared to sleep in the house by myself. It's gonna be weird."

"Yeah, I'm sure it will be," Ben remarks.

"I'm sure this is all gonna be weird for you eds, She was always around for you," Stanley comments, "but just know that my family and all of us will be here for you."

"Thanks Stan," Eddie smiles, "that means a lot."

They make it to their math class and silently get to their seats.

All of his classes go by smoothly. A few people would offer their condolences here and there but everything was normal. Up until lunch, Eddie walks out of his elective class to go to the lunch room.

Eddie sees the red head standing at their usual meeting spot. He smiles and walks up to her.

"Hey Bev," He says.

"Hey," she smiles back, "Ready?"

"Yes ma'am," Eddie replies as they start walking to the lunch room.

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