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Why is she here?

Eddie's head begins spinning.

"There's the f*g," One of Heather's cheerleader friends says pointing at Eddie.

Eddie doesn't see Richie anywhere. All he sees is blonde curls coming towards him.

"Why are you here with my boyfriend?" Heather spits at Eddie.

Eddie's breath hitches as some boys on the football team grab his arms, "He-," Eddie takes a deep breath, "invited me."

"Why would Richie do that?" the brunette next to Heather says.

"Because we're friends," Eddie says quietly.

"What the fuck are you guys doing?" Richie comes around the corner with a tray of food but sets it down as he sees the crowded around Eddie, "Get off of him."

They boys immediately let go of Eddie, "What the fuck is wrong with you Heather?" Richie puts an arm around Eddie.

"What? Are you gay now too?" Heather scoffs at Richie.

"Obviously not, or I wouldn't be dating you but if you're gonna treat my friends so poorly I'm not sure if I should be dating you in the first place," Richie says defensively.

"I'm not treating him poorly I was just asking him a few questions," Heather says.

"Well leave him alone," Richie looks Heather in the eyes which is something not a lot of people will do then turns to the rest of the group, "All of you. You understand me? Or I'll have coach kick you off the football team."

The boys nod, as Richie pushes Eddie away from them, "Come on."

"What are you just gonna walk away from me?" Heather yells as Richie is walking away.

"Yes, yes I am," Richie replies as grabs their food and they walk out.

Eddie's brain can not comprehend what just happened,"I'm really sorry they manhandled you like that Eddie," Richie says as they walk.

"It's not your fault," Eddie sighs, looking down at the ground.

"Yeah I know but I don't know why Heather has such a problem with you being gay," Richie comments.

"Homophobia I guess," Eddie shrugs.

"Yeah I guess, Well wanna go to the park to eat?" Richie questions.

"Yeah, that'd be nice," Eddie smiles.

Once they get to the park they find a bench to sit on and eat.

"It's warmer than usual," Eddie remarks.

"Yeah it is, it's kinda nice," Richie replies as he hands Eddie his meal.

Eddie takes it and starts eating immediately because he doesn't know what to say.

Richie just smiles at him and starts eating as well, "Hmm, so Eddie what's your favorite color?"

"Oh," Eddie wasn't expecting this question, "Yellow."

"Yellow?! Really?" Richie says shocked.

"Yes," Eddie laughs, "Really."

"Wow," Richie laughs as well, "I hate yellow."

"Okay then what's yours?" Eddie asks.

"Blue," Richie confidently takes a bite of his food, "Because it's obviously the best color."

"That's so basic, " Eddie says his smile not dropping one bit.

"It is not! Name one other person who's favorite color is blue," Richie says defensively.

"Oh I could name many, many people. Basically all of my friends besides Stan," Eddie declares.

"That's ridiculous! I've barely met anyone that likes the color blue," Richie takes another bite.

"Okay, hmm do you like coffee?" Eddie laughs, "cause if not it might be a deal breaker."

"Oh god coffee is disgusting!" Richie responds, "I don't understand how people drink that stuff."

"Coffee is so amazing," Eddie announces.

"Whatever you say eds," Richie laughs.

"Okay, okay if tomorrow you woke up no fear what would you do?" Richie put the scenario right out there.

"Oh, uhm probably, like... Tell the guy that I like, that I like him," Eddie mumbles.

"Oh come on now you gotta tell me who it is," Richie exclaims.

"No I don't, and I'm not going to!" Eddie laughs.

Richie rolls his eyes, "Fine."

"What's your favorite Holiday?" Eddie asks.

"Hmm definitely Halloween," Richie smiles, "Going to strangers houses to get candy with the chance that it could be poisoned, how exhilarating."

"Oh, I was never allowed to go trick or treating," Eddie shrugs, "My mom used to say it was too dangerous."

"That's really sad," Richie looks down, "Maybe we can go out together this year, and maybe with your friends?"

"I don't think Heather would approve," Eddie rolls his eyes.

"Fuck Heather," Richie announces.

"I'm sure you have," Eddie smirks.

Richie laughs, "Well yeah but I mean I don't care if she approves or not."

"Okay, that'd be nice, I'll talk to the group," Eddie smiles, "maybe we can even do a group costume."

"Yes, maybe we could be the seven dwarfs," Richie says sarcastically.

"Oh shut up, I mean a good group costume," Eddie punches Richie's arm.

"Okay what's your favorite holiday then?" Richie asks.

"New years," Eddie replies.

"You are so strange Edward," Richie laughs, "Why is that your favorite?"

"I don't know, I guess it's just like a new beginning each year," Eddie shrugs trying to shrug off being called strange.

"Hmm I guess that makes sense," Richie takes his last bite.

Eddie finishes quickly after, "Yeah it's one of the only holidays my mom and I actually celebrated."

"Well now you can celebrate them all this year with me and the rest of your friends," Richie smiles as he stands up.

"Yeah," Eddie has a sad smile, "Wanna walk me home?"

"Yeah of course, wouldn't want you to get man handled again," Richie jokes.

"Yeah definitely not," Eddie smiles a little more.

"Okay come on eds," Richie wraps his arm around Eddie's shoulders.

Eddie jumps a little bit as he isn't used to physical contact, "You okay Spaghetti?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine," Eddie smiles up at him.

They walk to Eddie's house which was not very far from the park.

"Well here we are, " Richie removes his arm from Eddie's shoulders.

"Yep," Eddie starts walking up his porch, "Thank you today was really fun."

"Yes it was thank you," Richie replies.

Eddie walks back down the porch with a sudden rush of adrenaline and pulls Richie down by the shirt and kisses his cheek.

Eddie pulls away suddenly realizing what he just did and runs into his house.

Richie stands there not knowing what just happened.


(Hey everyone sorry I left you guys on such a cliffhanger last chapter. I've been busy as all heck. I've officially started highschool and I was having boyfriend drama, I got broken up with and got back together with him the span of two days, but for now I'm all good! Thank you for the support! Love you guys :) Also I'm too lazy to go through and check for spelling errors rn so sorry about that)

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