The Theater

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Eddie looks at himself in the mirror. His eyes trace over his face. He looks at his small lips, his too thick eyebrows, his feminine eyelashes. He is disgusted by himself.

How could anyone like this?

He tears his eyes away from his imperfections to look at the clock. Five o'clock.

Eddie had to meet Richie at five-thirty for the movie. They were seeing a classic.

My Girl.

(An: This movie is so sad😩)

Eddie had never seen the movie but Richie assured him it was an amazing movie.

Eddie grabs his bag of healthy snacks and walks downstairs.

Eddie's muscle memory makes him open his mouth to tell his mother he's leaving but he quickly shuts it remembering that she is not there to hear his words.

Eddie shuts his eyes trying to focus on the fact that he's gonna be seeing Richie soon and not the fact that he'll never see his mother again.

He takes a deep breath and heads for the door.

A few minutes later Eddie is arriving at the movie theater.

"Eddie!" Richie smiles in delight when he sees Eddie walking down the sidewalk.

Eddie smiles at Richie as he walks up, "Hi, Rich."

"You ready for this?" Richie asks, "Pre warning you're gonna cry. It's sad."

"Whatever you say, I never cry at movies," Eddie scoffs.

"Yeah well we'll see about that," Richie laughs walking in.

They walk into the theater together, Eddie just a little too close to Richie.

As soon as the door opens they are hit by the overwhelming smell of stale popcorn.

"I see your wearing the sweater," Eddie smiles.

"Yes I am because I know you're gonna need it for this movie," Richie laughs, "Hi two tickets for My Girl please."

The lady smiles says, "That'll be ten dollars please."

Richie hands her a ten-dollar bill and takes the tickets when she holds them out, "Thank you, ma'am."

"I am not going to cry Richard," Eddie says defensively.

"Yeah whatever you say, Edward," Richie smiles and holds open the door for Eddie.

Eddie walks in to see only a few lonely looking people sitting down.

"Where do you wanna sit Spaghetti?" Richie looks down at the smaller boy.

"Towards the top," Eddie points to the top row where no one is sitting.

"Top it is," Richie races up the steps earning himself some disapproving looks.

Eddie follows a bit slower than Richie but still sits down as the previews start.

Eddie side-eyes Richie trying to take as much of him in as possible.

Today his hair was pulled back into a bun with some strands still hanging out. His glasses were in there usual spot on his nose. Eddie wonders how Richie can even see when his glasses are constantly falling off his face. However, he doesn't ponder it too long as the movie begins.

Further, in the movie, Eddie's eyes start watering, "Rich?"

"Yeah?" Richie doesn't look away from the screen.

"Can we share the sweater?" Eddie says shyly.

Richie doesn't say anything else and just takes one of his arms out of the hole. He wraps it around Eddie and Eddie can't help but smile.

Eddie pulls out his bag of snacks that he snuck in, "Want some Trashmouth?" Eddie says as he wipes his eyes.

"What'd you bring?" Richie smiles.

"Dried Mango, and," Eddie says.

"Let me stop you right there, " Richie looks at Eddie, "Did you only bring Healthy foods?"

Eddie pauses, "Depends on what you consider healthy."

"Oh my goodness, we're going for dinner after this movie, " Richie tells Eddie.

Eddie doesn't say anything else, just pulls out his mangos and turns back to the movie.

Soon, the movie is over.

"What'd you think eds?" Richie asks as they walk out of the theater, the fresh air hitting his face.

"It was good but sad, " Eddie replies, "So where are we going for dinner Lizzy?"

"Don't call me Lizzy!" Richie exclaims.

"Then don't call me Eds!" Eddie laughs.

Richie just rolls his eyes, "We should go somewhere simple, like McDonald's."

"Okay let's go then, " Eddie smiles, and races down the street.

Richie smiles and runs after him yelling, "Wait for me Spaghetti!"

Eddie just laughs, a very genuine laugh. He doesn't think he's heard this laugh since before his mom died. Richie found it angelic almost.

Eddie reaches the front of the McDonald's smiling as he turns to see how far behind he left Richie. Eddie stands there for a few minutes while Richie catches up to him.

Richie comes around the corner a few minutes later, "Jesus Christ Spaghetti, you run pretty damn fast for an asthmatic."

(Ahh yes bc Eddie always runs fast in fics😭 I'm so basic I hate it here)

Eddie smiles, "What? Your long legs can't keep up?"

"Apparently not," Richie pants.

"Come on let's go inside, but you're gonna have to order for me," Eddie says opening the door.

"What? Why?" Richie says still breathing heavily.

"Anxiety, " Eddie whispers as they approach the counter.

The cashier smiles, "Hi what can I get for you gentlemen this evening?"

"Uhm, "Richie hesitates, "Two ten piece chicken nuggets meals."

Eddie nods in agreement as the lady puts it in the computer, "What size?"

"One large and one medium," Richie says.

Eddie looks down at his feet feeling weird that he's having Richie order for him. Eddie taps Richie on the shoulder, "I'm gonna go to the restroom."

Richie nods, and Eddie walks away to find the restroom. He walks into one of the stalls and locks it quickly, taking deep breaths.

He hears the door open and foot steps, but it's just someone using the restroom.

Eddie stands there hitting his leg repeatedly, until he is calm. Eddie finally convinces himself to walk out of the stall. He washes his hands as if he had actually used the bathroom.

After drying his hands he opens the bathroom, his eyes scanning the room to find the tall, curly haired boy but instead they fell upon someone else.


(An: Hiii everyone, it's been so long since I wrote a chapter of this. I'm so sorry. I got grounded on the 30th of last month and I didn't have my phone for awhile, then when I did get it back I was having writer's block but I finally sort of got past it!! :) I hope you all enjoyed this chapter 💕)

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