Saturday morning

371 18 76

(An: Okay so I wanna put here that there is mention of abuse in this chapter so read with caution 🥺💕)

Eddie sits up in his bed, sweating. He had the same nightmare as he did every night. The nightmare of Henry and his knife. With Eddie's old best friend, not Heather though. No, the one Eddie had before Heather. The one he would never see again.

Eddie shakes his head and walks to his bathroom. He looks at himself in the mirror, seeing his sweaty face. His eyes sweeping over all his insecurities.

Why do I have to look like this? Why can't I be pretty like Stanley or Bill?

Eventually, he walks away from the mirror to get dressed. He pulls on some fresh jeans and Richie's sweater, even though it wasn't clean. Normally, Eddie would've washed it before he even thought about wearing it a second day but he couldn't help it. He didn't want to wash Richie's scent away.

Eddie walks downstairs to find his mother in the kitchen, which was unusual, "Hey mo-"

"Hey Eddie bear," Sonia smiles, "I'm making Pancakes."

"Oh," Eddie skeptically replies, "Why? You never cook."

"Because I felt like it dear," She says.

"Mom, I'm supposed to meet Ben for Breakfast today remember?" Eddie watches as she puts more batter on the hot pan.

"Oh well maybe he can come ov-," Sonia starts.

"No! I mean no his mom said to only go to the diner," Eddie thinks fast on his feet.

In reality, Eddie wasn't meeting Ben at all. He was meeting up with Bill and Stan but his mother wasn't very fond of Bill and was skeptical of Stan. Sonia did not like Stan's parents otherwise Stan would have been a perfectly acceptable friend for Eddie to have.

"Oh," She looks down, "well then I will put them in the fridge for tomorrow."

"Okay," Eddie says and his mother doesn't reply so he leaves quickly.

Since Eddie wasn't allowed to get his driver's license yet he was forced to walk everywhere. However, it wasn't that big of a deal to Eddie. He loved seeing the hills behind the houses and the trees creating shade on the street. It was unusually warm today but it was nice.

The day before at lunch, they chose to meet at Bill's house.

"So g-guys I was w-w-wondering if anyone w-wa-wanted to hangout t-tomorrow?" Bill stuttered out.

Eddie looked up from his lunch and smiled, "I would love to."

"I can as well," Stan replied.

"Oh, I can't," Bev had said, "Ben and I are going out tomorrow."

Ben was taking his chances with the cafeteria food and standing in line with a tray.

"O-okay," Bill looked at Eddie and Stan who where sitting next to each other, "Do you t-to-two wanna meet at m-my h-ho-house?" Bill asked.

"Yeah, that sounds good. What are we gonna do?" Stan wanted to know.

"We could go to breakfast?" Eddie suggested, "or maybe we could go see Mike."

"Yes, I like both of those ideas," Stan said, looking over at Bill.

Bill looked at Eddie not being able to keep eye contact with Stan, "Y-yes, that s-s-sounds good."

Eddie smiled, now he had two plans to look forward to.

Bill's house came into view and Eddie sees Georgie outside playing.

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