Hanging out

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Eddie sits in his last class, History. He taps his pencil against his desk and bounces his leg in sync.


Waiting to see Richie. The love of his life. Even if Richie didn't love him back he was sure that Richie would always be the love of his life.

Finally, the bell rings. Eddie packs up as quickly as possible, throwing his books in his bag.

Eddie rushes out into the freezing cold shivering because of course, he forgot to bring a sweater today the coldest day of the year so far.

Even so, Eddie warms up at the sight of Richie standing in the same spot as yesterday. Waiting. Waiting for him.

"Hey, Richie, " Eddie smiles.

"Hey, kid, " Richie responds.

Eddie glares at him, "I'm literally older than you, you can't call me kid."

"And how would you know that you're older than me, you don't even know my birthday, " Richie raises an eyebrow.

Eddie face immediately turns red because he does in fact know Richie's birthday.

"You're sixteen aren't you?" Eddie inquiries.

"Yeah, " Richie responds shrugging, "aren't you?"

"Nope, I just turned seventeen a few weeks ago, " Eddie turns on his heel to start walking out of school.

(An: Yes, I'm aware that in the books and movies Richie is actually older but Idc)

"Oh, fine I'll go back to calling you Spaghetti, " Richie says following Eddie.

Eddie rolls his eyes, "Whatever."

"So we going to my house today?" Richie asks, "My parents aren't home."

"Yeah that would be best, " Eddie explains, "My mom is a bit overbearing sometimes and if she saw her "precious boy" hanging out with the likes of you she might freak."

"The likes of me?" Richie echoes, "what the fuck does that mean?"

"Oh, just all your clothes and the smell of cigarettes, " Eddie responds quickly not wanting his mother to mess up this friendship from happening.

"Is the smell that prominent?" Richie asks laughing.

"Yes, it is actually, my mom walked into my room after you left and I had to convince her it must have been the neighbor's smoke, " Eddie laughs.

"Oh wow sorry about that," Richie apologizes, "I'm addicted."

"I could tell. I know a few smokers," Eddie claims.

"Alright, we are here, " Richie gestures towards a medium-sized house that looked unkempt and somewhat dirty.

"Oh what a nice house, " the compliment spilling out of his mouth even if it wasn't true.

"Thanks, " Richie grabbed the back of his neck, "My parents aren't home much so I kinda have to take care of it myself, " Richie adds.

"Oh wow really? He's handsome and knows how to clean, " Eddie teases gaining the confidence to flirt a tiny bit.

Richie rolls his eyes, "Yeah I learned it from smashing your mom every night."

Eddie just looks at him, "That doesn't even make sense."

Richie ignores Eddie's comment and walks in. Eddie walks in admiring the glistening wallpaper.

"Go take a seat, I'll go get something to drink, Milk, Water, a Juice box?" Richie pinches Eddie's cheek.

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