The Party

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(I just wanted to put a warning here because there is going to be alcohol in this chapter. I'm not sure if I need to put a disclaimer here but whatever.)

Eddie was getting ready.

Ready for a party he didn't really wanna go to but he wanted to see Richie. He wanted to be Richie's friend.

Eddie was wearing Black ripped jeans and vibrant yellow shirt.

A knock came from the other side of the door.

"Hey, it's j-just me," Bill says.

"Oh, come in," Eddie replies turning back to his mirror.

"Are y-y-you almost r-ready?" Bill asks.

"Almost," Eddie shrugs, "Thanks for the ride by the way."

"O-oh it was n-n-no problem at all," Bill replies smiling.

"So how is Stan gonna be there," Eddie wiggles his eyebrows.

"Yeah h-he's gonna b-be t-t-there," Bill says.

"Good, maybe you'll get some action finally," Eddie smirks.

"Shut up," Bill rolls his eyes.

Eddie flinches at the words. Silently cursing himself for annoying Bill.

Eddie stands up,"I'm ready."

They walk out to Bill's Baby blue Ford Escort. Eddie quickly sits in the passenger seat. They drive over in silence. But not awkward silence. The kind of silence that let's you know you're safe. (An: I wish I had that safety smh)

"W-well here w-w-we are," Bill grins.

"Let's go find Bev," Eddie says quietly.

There were already a lot of people there. People were making out on the lawn and everyone had beer or some other type of alcohol in their hands.

As Eddie walked through the door he was ambushed by the smell of weed. The blaring music drown out a lot of the talking around him.

Eddie and Bill spent about ten minutes walking around the massive house they were in looking for Beverly and Stanley, walking in on various makeouts and hookups. Finally, Eddie found them sitting in the living room surrounded by people.

"Hey guys," Beverly practically screams.

Eddie doesn't say anything back and just waves his hand at her. She smiles and walks up to them.

Bill quickly ditches them and sits down next to Stan engaging in a conversation that Eddie can not hear.

"Come on let's go dance!!"Bev drags Eddie to the dance floor without even getting an answer from him. Suddenly, Eddie is letting go, not worrying about anything other than the girl right in front of him.

However, that high doesn't last long. Eddie spots Richie sitting on a chair with Heather on his lap. He's talking to one of his buddies.

Right as Eddie spots Richie, Richie looks up and their eyes meet. Suddenly, Richie smiles whispers something in Heather's ear. She stands up allowing Richie to move away from her. Before he can get to far though she grabs Richie's wrist and kisses him roughly.

Finally, he gets away from Heather and starts making his way towards Eddie and Beverly. As, he walks many people yell greetings at him, showing just how popular he is.

Richie reaches Eddie and smiles.

"I'm glad you could make it dude," Richie says.

"Me too," Eddie replies.

Bev is side eyeing Eddie suddenly all the puzzle pieces are coming into place.

"Richie, this is Beverly," Eddie says suddenly realzing that they've never met before, "She's one of my best friends."

"Oh yeah," Richie says extending his hand, "It's nice to meet you Beverly."

"You as well but you can call me Bev," She shakes his hand.

"Okay then Bev, it was nice to meet you," He says, "I'll see you around Eds."

They both watch him walk away and resume his earlier position with Heather.

"Oooo no wonder you changed your mind," Bev taunts, "You found out Trashmouth was gonna be here so wanted to come."

"Uhhhh maybe," Eddie says, "but it's none of your business."

"As your best friend I declare it my business," Bev says playfully hitting his shoulder.

"Oh whatever, come on let's go get some drinks," Eddie says trying to change the subject.

Sometime hours later the party has died down a little but not too much.
Eddie, Bev, Stan, and Bill were all sitting in the living room talking when Heather announced that it was time to play spin the bottle.

"Everyone has to play," Heather says.

Everyone quickly formed a decent sized circle. Eddie was terrified of this game. He hadn't had his first kiss and he didn't really want it to be taken by a game of Spin the bottle.

"Who wants to go first," Heather says.

"I will," Bev says which is no surprise to Eddie. She was the bravest person he knew.

Heather hands her the the bottle and she spun it. The thing that did catch Eddie off guard was that the bottle lands on Heather herself.

"Respin," Heather announces.

"Oh no sweetheart," Richie says, "you have to play by the rules."

"But she's a girl," Heather whines.

"So? Rules are rules," Richie says.

Heather rolls her eyes then looks over at Bev. Bev sits patiently waiting to see what Heather is gonna do. Heather crawls over to Bev giving her a quick peck before turning back around and sitting in her original spot.

Heather's turn. Eddie so desperately hoped that it didn't land on him. He did not want his first kiss to be lost to the girl that told him who he was, was disgusting. As the bottle spun fear swept over Eddie's body and the bottle stopped mere inches next to him. Luckily, it had landed on Bill Denbrough.

Of course, it was a quick peck because poor Heather didn't wanna kiss anyone but her boyfriend.

It was Bill's turn. The bottle spun, spun, spun until finally it landed on Eddie. Eddie turned to Bill wide eyed. Bill shrugged and kissed him quickly.

Then that was it. His first kiss. Gone. By a mere peck. At least it was with someone he trusted.

Eddie was able to get over the fact that his first kiss was ruined and spun the bottle. This time however it landed on the boy he so desperately wanted to kiss. Richie Tozier.

Eddie looks up from where the bottle landed. He's sees Richie scooting forward. Eddie's body is frozen, his heart rate speeding up. As Richie approaches Eddie for the second time of the night, the sent of alcohol is much stronger this time.

Richie grabbed Eddie's face and kissed him. This kiss was longer than any of the other kisses they had seen tonight or would see. Before it became too long Eddie pulled away with his cheeks flushed and hair a little ruffled.

Bev gave him a wink from across the room.

Sure Eddie's first kiss may have been taken by Bill but his second kiss was taken by Richie Tozier and it was special in Eddie's heart.

This is certainly not what Eddie had expected tonight.


(Guys I need friends. So just dm me on Instagram and say something about coming from Wattpad and we can be friends because I don't have enough 🥺 oh yeah my Instagram is
@jaes_tapes )

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