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Eddie finally wiped his tears and got up when he heard the final bell. He cautiously stepped out of the closet and headed straight for the exit without a second thought.

He sees Richie facing the opposite direction of him. So he calls out Richie's name.

"Hey, Spaghet- " Richie turns to face Eddie, "What the fuck happened to you?"

"Uhhh can we get going? I'll tell you on the way, " Eddie glances around to make sure no one sees the two boys leaving together.

As soon as they are off school property Eddie starts rambling.

"So I was walking to lunch and Henry bowers, " At the mention of Henry's name Richie gave a rather disgusted face but Eddie kept going, "grabbed me and pulled me into a closet. He pulled out a knife and all I could think was that what happened to one of my friends was gonna happen to me. I can't remember much. I remember hearing him faintly yell at me to stay away from you and tasting blood."

Richie doesn't question Eddie much about it, "Well let's go get you cleaned up."

"Today is really shitty, " Eddie says sighing.

Richie kinda laughs, "It definitely sounds like it has."

Eddie leads the way to his house. He turns around to face, Richie.

Eddie looks at him wide-eyed, "You think you can climb through my window?"

"Can I climb through your wind-, " Richie begins, "Of course I can. I have tons of practice climbing through your mom's window every night to make sweet sweet love."

Eddie rolls his eyes, "Oh shut up Trashmouth."

Richie chuckles at his own joke.

"Okay so my window is at the back of the house, " Eddie says, "I'll go up and open it."

Eddie starts walking inside and Richie heads for the back. As soon as he puts one foot in the door his mother is calling for him.

"Eddie bear, " the gigantic woman says, "Is that you?"

"Yes mama, it's just me, " Eddie replies, "Did you take your meds yet?"

"Yes, of course, I did, " Sonia scoffs.

"Okay I'm up to do school work then mama, call me down when dinner is ready, " Eddie walks upstairs before Sonia can say anything else.

Eddie throws open his door to find Richie already inside.

"How- It was locked, " Eddie says baffled.

"Indeed, it was not my kind sir, " Richie says in an accent that sounds basically like his own voice.

"I swear it was, " Eddie begins.

"No, it wasn't, " Richie says normally.

"Oh okay fine," Eddie replies, "You ready to study?"

"Yes, sir I got my text books and everything," Richie says.

"Well I would hope so because that's what we need," Eddie rolls his eyes.

"If I'm being honest I didn't really need to study together I just wanted to hang out and studying seemed like the perfect ploy," Richie says kinda shyly.

"You could've just asked me to hangout then," Eddie says with a little laugh.

"I wasn't sure if you'd want to," Richie shrugs his shoulders.

"Well I would've said yes," Eddie says his eyes lighting up with every word that comes out of Richie's mouth.

"Oh, Well then do you wanna hang out?" Richie asks laughing.

"No, we need to study now," Eddie replies, "but maybe tomorrow," He adds.

"Hmm tomorrow, okay it's a date," Richie gives Eddie finger guns.

Eddie cheeks flush up at those words but he brushes his feeling aside and says, "okay stupid head, get your text book out."

After a several long hours of studying the human body, Richie needed to go study a different human body.

"Oh look it's already seven thirty," Richie says.

"Wait, really?" Eddie looks at his watch.

"Yeah I told Heather I'd meet her at seven," Richie started frantically packing up.

"Oh..." Eddie watches Richie as he throws his text books in his bag.

"Yeah, Thanks for studying with me Eds," Richie says, he starts heading towards the window.

"No problem," Eddie smiles, "Same meeting place tomorrow?"

"Yep, See you after school," Richie jumps out of the window.

Eddie hears Richie thump onto the ground and giggles. He walks over to the window to see Richie scrambling to stand up. Richie finally gets to his feet and starts heading towards the front of the house. He turned around one last time and gave Eddie a little wave.

That was it.
(An: This chapter is dedicated to angelgrazerx because she's literally so nice and she's been here since the first day)

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