A Trip to the closet and the Farm

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Eddie walks to a familiar house, that he had been to many times. Eddie's face lighting up as he walks. As he walks up to the door he remembers what had happened at lunch earlier none the less he knocks.

"EDWARD!" Georgie yells as he flings open the door and hugs Eddie.

"Hey," Eddie smiles and hugs Georgie back.

"Is Bill okay?" Eddie asks still smiling down at Georgie.

"Yeah Billy's alright, He's a little bruised and stuff," Georgie replies, "he's upstairs in his room."

"Okay, Is your mom home?" Eddie asks.

"Yeah she is," Georgie smiles, "She's in the kitchen," He points to the kitchen.

"Thanks George," Eddie gives him a little noogie and walks to the kitchen as Georgie closes the door and walks back to the living room to continue watching TV.

Eddie smiles as he sees Sharon Denbrough standing in the kitchen making dinner, "Hi Mrs. Denbrough."

She turns around and smiles, "Hi Eddie. He's upstairs."

"I know. I'm here to ask you a question actually," Eddie gets kinda shy, "I was wondering if Bill could come over and spend the night. I know it's a school night and stuff but it would make everything a lot easier cause you know... My mom."

Sharon softly smiles, "Eddie, I told Bill he was grounded because of the fight."

"I know but could you please let tonight be an exception," Eddie pleads.

She thinks for a minute, "Okay, okay fine but only because I know it's hard to lose a parent so young and we love you."

Eddie rushes up and hugs her, "Thank you Mrs. Denbrough."

"Of course Eddie," She hugs him back, "Okay go upstairs and get Bill ready to go with you. You can stay and eat dinner if you'd like too but it's okay if you don't."

"Okay I'll ask Bill if he wants to," Eddie says walking upstairs.

"Bill!?" Eddie yells up as he's walking.

Eddie hears shuffling and knocks on Bill's bedroom door, "Bill? Can I come in?"

"Uhhh j-just a m-minute," Bill says and Eddie swears he hears whispers but brushes it off.

"Okay c-c-co-come in," Bill says a few second later.

Eddie opens the door to see Bill all bandaged up.

"Hey, Good news your mom said you could spend the night at my house even though your grounded. I had planned on asking you at lunch but you know," Eddie sits on Bill's bed beaming.

"O-oh okay sounds g-g-good," Bill says out of breath, while looking nervous and his cheeks are flushed.

Eddie raises an eyebrow, "Are you okay?"

"Y-yes i-im fine," Bill says his eyes quickly darting to the closet barely enough for Eddie to notice but he still does.

"Is someone else here?" Eddie asks standing up and going towards the closet.

"Uhhh n-n-no," Bill says standing up quickly and trying to stop Eddie from going any farther to the closet but fails miserably.

Eddie opens the closet quickly to see Stanley Uris standing there with his hair a mess, his breathing ragged, and his eyes filled with fear.

"Stan?" Eddie asks surprised, "What's going on here? Why are you in the closet?"

"Uhm I was checking on Bill," Stan quickly glances at Bill to see his reaction.

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