Mother may I?

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(First off thank you so much for 2k reads 🥺 second off all the support for this story means a lot! I'm doing my best to update a frequently as possible but life has been getting in the way so I'd like to thank the people who are continuing to read this💕)

Eddie sits in his room listening to calm music. The song, "Nobody cares" by Kina starts playing and Eddie sighs.

"Tell me why I'm waiting for someone who couldn't give a fuck about me."

Eddie listens and feels.

He hears the lyrics and feels them in his heart because he knows Richie does not feel the same love Eddie feels for Richie.

Eddie's phone buzzes and his heart starts racing. He wants to ignore it.

But what if it's important?

Eddie picks up his phone up, the anxiety getting the best of him.

Of course, it was just Beverly, or as Eddie had her in his contacts, Ginger bitch.

Bev had laughed so hard when she found out that was her contact name. Eddie had felt slightly bad but Bev said it was a badass contact name.

The text reads, "Hey tiny man, as you probably know my birthday is coming up and I wanted to let you know that my party is gonna be next Saturday at Ben's house. That way you can tell your mom you are going to Ben's."

Eddie replies with, "Thank you 😂 sometimes I hate lying to my mom."

He didn't mean it one bit. He didn't mind at all lying to his mother. The only trick was to actually convince Sonia to even let him go to Ben's house.

"Mom!" Eddie yells as he walks downstairs to ask if he could go to Ben's.

There was no reply.

"Mom?" Eddie yells looking into the kitchen but nobody was there. He walks into the living room to see his obease mother lying on the floor.

"Oh my god! Mom?!" Eddie screams.

Eddie sprints upstairs go grab his phone. He quickly calls an ambulance.

Hours later Eddie stands in the hospital waiting room with the "Ginger bitch" and "studdering freak" themselves.

"She'll be okay Eddie," Bev says.

"Yeah s-she'll be o-o-okay," Bill agrees.

"I hope so," Eddie says.

Eddie had been pacing since they got to the hospital. He was extremely worried about his mother and had been for a while now.

The doctor walks out of the back of the hospital. Eddie can tell by look on his face that this was not going to be good news.

"Mr. Kaspbrak?" The doctor says.

"Yes, that's me," Eddie simply replies.

"Okay hi. I'm doctor Williams and I'm very sorry to inform that your mother has passed away."

Eddie looks at Bev and Bill who have shocked expressions on their faces.

"Wait what?" Eddie says.

"Your mother has died due to a heart attack," Dr. Williams tried to explain.

"There is no way," Eddie refuses, "She was fine this morning. She was making pancakes in the kitchen."

"I know it's hard to accept," The doctor kept talking but Eddie couldn't hear him. He was too focused on the way Bev gave him a look of pity.

No, no, no she's not supposed to give ME that look.

Bill still had that stupid shocked face on but he started to walk up behind Eddie.

The doctor finally left them be but Eddie had barely heard a word that he said.

"H-hey look a-at me, it'll b-be o-o-okay," Bill says grabbing Eddie's shoulder.

"Eddie," Bev says giving him a sad look, "I'm so sorry."

"Don't look at me like that," Eddie snapped.

"Like what?" Bev looks at him confused.

"Like you feel sorry for me," Eddie says, his brain finally processing that his mother had passed away.

Eddie's brain filled with a million worries that came with this already terrible burden.

"What am I gonna do?" Eddie asks his eyes filling up with tears.

"I don't know but we'll figure it out eds," Bev says, "I promise."

Eddie falls into Bill's arms and just cries.

"C-come on y-y-you can s-s-st-stay at m-my h-ho-house t-tonight," Bill's stutter getting worse by the minute.

Bill never did good in these types of situations. His stutter always became ten times worse.

"O-okay," Eddie sniffles out.

Bev and Bill gave each other knowing looks that if Eddie had seen he would have fumed. Eddie didn't want people taking care of him. He could do it himself.

As soon as Bill explained what had happened Sharon and Zack said yes to Eddie staying as many nights as needed.

The two boys walked upstairs slowly, Eddie behind Bill. Once they were in Bill's room he began to change into his sweats and gave a big shirt to Eddie.

"You c-ca-can s-sleep in t-the bed," Bill says, while making a bed on the floor.

"What? No," Eddie says, "It's your bed."

"I know b-but tonight it's y-yours," Bill insists.

Eddie didn't have enough energy to argue like he usually did.

They both lay down on two drastically different surfaces. Eddie closes his eyes trying to sleep.

After about thirty minutes of not being able to fall asleep Eddie says, "Bill?"

"Yeah?" Bill's reply is muffled by the pillow he is laying face down on.

Eddie thinks about his question for a second, "Could you maybe come lay up here with me?"

"Y-yes o-of c-c-course," Bill says climbing onto the bed.

"Thank you," Eddie says as he feels Bill get under the covers.

Eddie wants to cuddle up to him but he's not sure if that's weird but at the moment Eddie doesn't care. His mother just passed away and wants human contact.

So Eddie curls up close to Bill. Bill being the sweet boy is he doesn't say anything and puts his arm around Eddie.

For the first time since he learned of his mother's death Eddie's mind rests.

Eddie sighs and falls asleep quickly in the warm touch of Willam Denbrough.

(An: Yes sorry this is kinda short and I don't know but it feels off but I'm on a road trip right now haha and I wrote this on the road 😂 also had to add some platonic Kaspbrough because they are babies🥺)

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