Chapter 18

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Betsy's POV

I needed to talk to Parisa but I didn't know when the right moment was. Obviously when she was alone, Charlie told me not to plan everything in my head just say whatever comes out which will either go really well or really badly.

After Louis had told us what song were doing, we all headed off into the individual rehearsal room.
P: Guys, I'm goin to the loo, won't b long.

She mumbled and walked off.
C: That's probably the most she's said to us in ages.

I wasn't listening to Charlie, I was deciding whether or not to follow her. I suppose its now or never. I didn't tell the boys where I was going I just left.

I walked into the bathroom and Parisa was stood by the sink crying.
BB: Parisa what's wrong? I know it's not me and Charlie.
P: I'm sorry Betsy, I've been so horrible to you lately and it's not fair.

She said in between sniffs.
BB: Hey, it's ok just tell me what's wrong.

I walked over and hugged her.
P: My m- my mums getting bad again and the doctors don't know if they can do anything.

She let out a sob and I hugged her tighter. I was shocked and upset but I needed to be strong for Parisa.
BB: It'll be ok P, your mum's a fighter.

After cleaning herself up we walked back outside we saw Mikey and Charlie were sat waiting for us.
C: You guys ok?
BB: Ye.

I motioned for him to follow me.
C: What's up?
BB: Me and her and friends again
C: Aw good, and what about me?
BB: Well yeah, anyway her mums ill again, that's why she was distant and upset.
C: Oh...

He looked upset, i don't blame him, he's known her since he was like 5 years old.
BB: Are you okay?
C: Um yeah, ye I'm okay.

I hugged him tightly, even though I'm smaller than him. We walked into the rehearsal room, Parisa being the strong person she is was getting on with the song.

We had finished at the studio and were now back at home. Parisa was talking to Charlie and I was sat upstairs in our room with Mikey. He was strumming his guitar and I was sat on my phone.
M: Do you think she'll be ok?
BB: Who?
M: Parisa's mum.
BB: I don't know, I'd like to think she'll fight it off but you never know, I hope Parisa will be ok.
M: Ye, I'm glad you're talking again.
BB: Me too, amd she's okay with me and Charlie.
M: Ye, I knew she'd be ok after a while.
BB: Do you think we should tell the fans?
M: No not yet, wait until after the show.


A/N sorry it's short :/ I'm back at school tomorrow -_- really cba but oh well✋

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