Chapter 13

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(Betsy's POV)

I had just told Jake everything that happened. There's no point in secrets anymore, i didn't care and secrets and lieing have only done bad.
J: Woah... So Casey kissed you?
Is that seriously the only thing he got from that? I thouhgt to my self.
BB: Yes
J: And Parisa called you a slut?
BB: Yep
J: And you're leaving oty?

I paused for a second, and looked him in the eye.
BB: I don't know, Jake.
J: But, you can't
BB: Why not?
J: You've all been through so much tohether, you shouldn't ruin it over some boy drama.
BB: It's not just boy drama.
J: Well you know what I mean.
BB: Not really but whatever.
J: Wait a sec.
BB: What?
J: Did Casey kiss you or did you kiss Casey?
Why was he asking that?
BB: um, Casey kissed me and I kissed him back, why?
J: Just wondering. Anyway I'm shit at comforting people but do you want a hug or something?

I smiled at the fact he was really sweet and when I first met him I thought he was some stuck up badboy. I nodded slightly and he sat on the arm of my chair and hugged me.

(Jake's POV)

I asked Betsy if she wanted a hug seeing as I'm shocking and comforting people. She nodded slowly and moved closer to her. I'm not gonna lie, i do have a bit of a crush on her, I was jealous of Casey but I won't say anything. I felt guilty. I had heard Charlie shouting at Lauren earlier about her telling Parisa and Mikey. I knew it wasn't her because it was me. I was jealous of Betsy and Charlie and that they might be a couple. I felt awful now she was sat crying and threatening to leave her band which was her life... This is my fault and I think Charlie knows that.

(Charlie's POV)

I had to go find Betsy, to persuade her to stay in oty, but more to stay with me. I knew she was mad, so she would want to be alone. But there wasn't really anywhere you could be alone in this house. I looked in every room upstairs which had it's awkward moments seeing as Tom and his girlfriend were in his room making out. I still couldn't find Betsy though. I ran downstairs and looked in the cupboard under the stairs. She wasn't in there but it made me smike as a memory came into mind.

(No one's POV)

Only the young had just walked into the xfactor house for the first time.
P: Wow.
BB: It's amazing!
M: We could be living here for atleast 10 or 11 weeks!
C: Haha calm down Mikey we're good but not 11 weeks good.

They all laughed and walked upstairs to there room after exploring the house. They had been living there for nearly two weeks and the first live show had been done. All the solo acts were out rehearsing so oty and sk were the only ones home. Sk were in the living room on the xbox. Only the young were messing about in the hall way. Charlie had his phone out and was videoing what the others were up to. Betsy walked up to the cupboard under the stairs and knocked on the door.
BB: Harry? Harry are you in there?

Parisa was stood with Charlie who were both laughing at her.
BB: Harry stop casting spells, dinners ready.

Suddenly a white creature came flying out which made Betsy scream and run to Charlie and P. With the creature came the words, no go away, hedwik attack!!! They soon found out Mikey had hidden in the cupboard in order to scare Betsy, and it worked. They were all in fits if laughter as they watched the video back.

*end of flashback*

(Charlie's POV)

My smile soon faded as i realised we might never have a moment like that again.

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