Chapter 23

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Charlie's POV
Tomorrow we start recording for our new album! We're so excited and I can't wait to get in there. We've already wrote two songs and hold back the river will be on there.

Betsy's been a bit strange lately, although I don't think she's very well because she's throwing up a lot. I hope she's okay for tomorrow.
Betsy's POV
I haven't been well for over a week now, Parisa says I should go to the doctor. I've made an appointment and I'm going now.

"P can you come with me?" I asked, I didn't like going to the doctors alone.

"Ye course I can" She said getting her coat and shoes on.

We arrived at the doctors and got called in almost straight away, Parisa stayed in the waiting room.
The doctor asked what the problem was so I told him.

"It could be a bug going round or," He paused.


"Or you're pregnant" He said.
No no no this can't be happening, I can't be pregnant I'm only 19!

"Take this test and see" He said handing me a pregnancy test.

I had to clear my throat before speaking "um... Th-thanks" I said taking it from him.

"I'm guessing this is a bit of a shock"

"Well yeah" I said.

"Well if you don't want it there are many possible ways to not have it" He said.

"Yeah" was all I could say, I got up and walked out.
Did he just suggest I kill it?
I walked straight out, forgetting Parisa was here too.

"Hey" Parisa said smiling. She stopped when she saw me, I probably looked quite pale.

"What's the matter? Is it bad news?" She asked sounding really worried.

"Yeah, P I- I might be p- pre- pregnant" I stuttered. She looked shocked as well.

"Oh Betsy, are you alright?" She asked.

"I'm fine" I said but then burst out crying, Parisa hugged me tight.

"Hey c'mon it'll be ok" She said.

"No it won't be ok, I don't want to be a mum yet!" I kind of shouted. We were in the car park of the doctors so a few people were looking at us.

"Oh great now strangers are judging me thinking I'm a hoe for getting pregnant at an early age" I said and cried more.

"Betsy you're not a hoe, the child belongs to Charlie, right?"

"Yeah I haven't, ya know 'done it' with anyone else" I said.

"Well to be honest I didn't know you've done it with Charlie" She laughed.I laughed too, I knew she'd make me smile through this some how.

"Well we have so what do I tell him?"

"You're pregnant, duh" She said.

"Oh yeah that's very easy" I said sarcastically.

"Well do you wanna give him a huge speach before hand or just get it over with?" She asked.

"Do a big speach" I said, she laughed and shook her head.

"Fine, your baby your your rules"

"Well he said I might not be actually, he gave me this" I said showing her the test.

"Well let's get home then!" She said and dragged me to the car.
Parisa's POV
I was waiting outside the bathroom for Betsy to finish. She'd been in there a while, i don't know why she was only peeing on a stick. I decided to knock on the door.

"Betsy are you okay in there?" I asked. The door opened and she looked a bit scared.

"Why do you look scared is it positive?" I asked

"I don't know I'm too scared to look, can you?"

"Yeah where is it?"

"In the sink" she said, I walked in and Betsy stood near by.
I looked up and then turned round to her.

"Well...?" She asked.

"It's positive" I said. You could almost see her heart fall to the ground with her face.

"Oh god, I'm not ready I'm not ready P, I don't want to be a mum!" She shouted. She started crying again and hugged her.

"It's ok, you have us three and your family to help, it'll all be ok" I said.

"No its not what about the album and a tour and interveiws and photoshoots, I can't go on with a baby bump!!" She shouted.
A few seconds after she shouted we heard the front door slam shut and Mikey saying he's home.

"Do you think he heard?" Betsy asked worriedly.

"No probably not, clean yourself up and then come down with me" I said.
She wiped the mascara of her cheeks and put some more on her eye lashes.

"Do I look like I've been crying?" She asked.

"No, c'mom" I said. We went down and Mikey was sat on the kitchen counter on his phone.

"Hey guys" He said smiling at us.

"Hey" we said in sync.

"Is Charlie here?" Betsy asked.

"No he's with his mum but he'll be home in about an hour" Mikey said.

"Ok" I said.

A/N hope you liked it:) please vote and comment thoughts❤ :* <3

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