Chapter 24

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Betsy's POV
I was sat in my room over thinking everything. Overthinking always kills whatever happiness you have left but sometimes you can't help but do it. I mean what if Charlie freaks out and leaves me? What if I have a miscarriage? How will this affect the band? Having a baby in the house that needs 24/7 care will be so difficult. Parisa said my family will be here to help but what if they aren't? What if they say they don't want anything to do with me.

"Stop overthinking" a voice said from the door, it made me jump out my thoughts.

"How did you know I was?" I asked.

"Well your sat staring blankly at a wall and you just got told you're having a baby" Parisa said.

"Will he freak out?" I asked.

"I honestly don't know Bets, I'd like to think he'll stay by your side and help you and he most likely will but you never know with these things" She said.

"Stupid baby, ruining my relationship" I glared at my stomach.

"Why don't you tell Mikey and see how he reacts?" Parisa suggested.

"How on earth will that help?" I asked.

"Just do it" Parisa said.
I suppose its worth a try, what's the worst that could happen? I huffed and got up from my position.
Mikey's POV
I was stood making food in the kitchen when I saw Betsy coming towards me.

"Mikey," She said.


"Can I tell you something?" She asked.

"Ye you can tell me anything" I said.

"You have to promise to not tell anyone, yeah?" She said looking very serious. I haven't got a clue what's about to come out this girls mouth.

"Yeah what is it?" I asked.

"Not even Charlie, especially not Charlie" She said.

"Um ok..."

"I'm pregnant" She said.

I paused and just stood staring at her.

"Mikey?" She said clicking her fingers.

"Thats- wow um... Wow congratulations" I said and hugged her.

"It's not good I don't want to be" She said.

"Were you not trying?" I asked, probably a stupid question actually.

"Of course we weren't I'm only 19 and he's only 17!"

"When are you going to tell him?" I asked.

"I don't know, I can't hide a baby bump forever" She said.

"Wait you will tell him right?"

"Well yeah".
Charlie walked through the door as she said that.

"Tell who what?" He asked. Betsy looked like she was going to throw up, and sure enough she did. She ran of to the bathroom.

"What's up with her?" Charlie asked.

"She just doesn't feel well" I said.
Charlie's POV
It's really weird that one minute Betsy is absolutely fine and then the next is running of to be sick. I remember when my mum was like that once. It was when she was pregnant with my... Wait a sec. Is she pregnant?!? I got up to go to her bathroom, there should be a pregnancy test somewhere if she is. Surely she can't, we used protection all the time. Atleast I think we did. Although there was that one time we were drunk... I found a bin and there was a box that read 'clear blue' I think that's a kind of pregnancy test. I looked in the box and the stick was in there. My hands were shaking slightly as I got it out.

"Charlie!!" A loud voice shouted. It made me jump and I dropped it. I looked up and Betsy was there. Bit awkward.

"Oh er hey babe" I said getting up quickly.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Erm, well, Betsy are- are you pregnant?" I asked. She went quite pale and bit her lip while looking away.

"Betsy answer me" I demanded, I think it came out sterner than I wanted it to.

"Yes, yes I'm pregnant"

"Oh my god..." I said.

"Charlie, I'm sorry..." She started.

"Sorry? Don't be this is amazing!" I exclaimed.

"Wait what?" She asked sounding suprised.

"I can't believe I'm going to be a dad and we'll have a little family! Oh my god this is amazing" I said, she giggled at me.

*Few weeks later* - Betsy's POV
Today is the first ultersound. Charlie has been amazing about all of this. He isn't as worried as I am about all of this.

"Ok Miss English, there's your baby" The nurse said, she started pointing out where the head was and stuff. Charlie was holding my hand and looked like he was gonna cry.

"Wow, that's our baby!" Charlie said quietly.

"I know" i replied smiling slightly.

We got home and I flopped onto the sofa.

"Pregancy taking its toll already?" He chuckled.

"Nah im just lazy" We both laughed and he flopped down next to me.

"So how do you feel?" Charlie asked.

"Hungry" I replied.

"No I mean about the baby"

"Oh well I'm still really scared, i don't think I'm ready to be a mum" I told him.

"It'll be ok, you have me and uncle Mikey and Auntie Parisa" He chuckled, I laughed too.

"Oh I quite like the sound of that" Parisa said walking in with Mikey. We all laughed and they sat down with us.

"So how'd it go?" Mikey asked.

"Ye it was fine, the baby's fine" I said.

"And you?" Parisa asked.

"Scared, still trying to take it all in" I said.

"You know what's weird" Charlie said. We all looked at him waiting for him to tell us instead of someone saying what.

"Dollie is like 5 or something and she'll already be an auntie" He laughed.

"Aww auntie Dollie how cute is that!" Parisa cooed.

A/N hope you liked it. Please comment thoughts on what you think of the story or what u think should happen. Don't forget to vote as well! :* I also apologise for most of my chapters being dialogue. I just seem to find it easier, sorry if you don't really like that.

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