Chapter 22

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Betsy's POV
We were in the car driving to our new house! Its quite early and we all over slept so the boys still have bed hair and me and Parisa have no makeup on. We're not moving today, thats next week but we all wanted to go and have a look at it. It was in a roral area so we didn't have neighbors. I was expecting it to be a quaint little cottage or something but when I arrived I realised how wrong I was.
"Woah..." Mikey said looking out the window of the car at it.
"I was not expecting this" Charlie said. We all got out the car and were stood looking at it in awe.
"I can't believe we actually get to live here!" I squealed.
"With no adults" Parisa said smirking.
"Well we will visit" mum said getting out the car, dad was here as well. I think he came to measure things up or something like that.
"Well here's the key kid" My dad said, I wish he'd stop calling me that.
I opened it and the house was even nicer inside.
"Have you been here before?" Parisa asked my parents.
"Yeah, once when Betsy was just a baby so she won't remember".
There was a note, maybe left by my grandma. I picked it up and it was.
"Dear Betsy, I hope you enjoy this house. You will probably want to share it with your band. There are 5 bedrooms so you get one each and you have a spare, there's a basement and a suprise for when you go outside. Lots of Love, your gran," I read the letter out loud "what's the suprise outside?" I asked turning to mum.
"Go and see" She smiled and winked.
We all went out and at first couldn't see much so we climbed the stairs and then saw what she meant. There was a huge pool! We were all pretty excited to live here.

After a tour of the rest of the house we drove back home and the four of us decided to start and plan everything.
"In summer we need a huge party!" Parisa said.
"Ye but before we do that we need to actually decorate the place" I said.

*Two weeks later* - Charlie's POV
We've been in the new house for a few days now, we've already decorated quite a lot of ir seeing as we had all four of our families helping.

Parisa has gone to Vagas with Zahra and a few other friends and Mikey's out for the weekend with his friends so me and Betsy get the house to ourselves. I wonder what we'll be getting up to (A/N ;) ). Betsy came in with a few leaflets and a phone.
"Shall we get chinese, Pizza or something else?" She asked.
"Is this your idea of cooking then?" I chuckled, she told me she was going to cook us a meal to celebrate the album but I knew she meant celebrate that we're finally alone.
"Shut up I'm not a good cook" She said. We chose to have Pizza and it took about half an hour to get here.

"What now then?" Betsy asked when we'd finished our pizza.
I smirked at her and she obviously got what I meant.
"I hate to rain on your parade but we just ate so we'd probably throw up" She stated.
"Fine shall we just watch a movie?" I offered.
"No that's boring, lets do a twitcam" She said.
"Oh yeah cuz that's riviting"
"Well its better than sitting in silence for 2 hours"
"Betsy when have we ever stayed silwnt during a movie" I laughed.
"Well, never but still"
"Fine" I gave in and went upstairs to get the laptop. We went into her room, we'd never done a twitcam just together and we haven't really answered many questions from the fans recently. Even though we announced it quite a while ago our twitter was still over flowing with questions about me and Betsy.
"Hey guys!" Betsy said happily. It didn't take long for everyone to start watching and sending questions in.
"How long have you been a couple? It was summer last year, it was our last day in Bermuda and I had a crush on Charlie so I was sat staring at him and then he looked at me but I did the stupid thing of looking aeay instead of just smiling at him" Betsy told them.
"I had a crush on her as well" I said.
"Well yeah, anyway I was alone and no one was around because we were in thw hotel room and the other two had gone off somewhere so me and Charlie were alone in the room, then he came and sat next to me and told me how much he liked me and all that and ye basically, it was really cute!" Betsy said, she was smiling a lot and it was adorable.
"How do Mikey and Parisa feel about you two?" I read out.
"They're fine with it, well at first they were all freaked out but now they're fine" I said.

We carried on answering questions and the twitcam lasted an hour and a half then we said we had to go.
"Well that went well" Betsy said.
"What did you expect to happen?" I asked.
"I thought they'd be a bit of hate but there was none" She genuinely sounded suprised.
"Well your perfect so there's no reason to" I said getting closer to her.
She smiled and looked down blushing.
Betsy's POV
After all this time he still manages to make my heart flutter and make butterfly's errupt in my stomach.
I looked back up at him and our lips were cenitmeters apart. It was like our first kiss back in Bermuda. When I was telling the fans about that I was just sat smiling like an idiot. I really do love him more than words can say.

A/N Ain't that cute ;) hope you liked it! Sorry for any spelling mistakes or if I've typed to quick. Vote and comment thoughts :) <3

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