When you meet them

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(Most of these take place in your childhood)

💚midoriya💚(2nd grade)
You were playing alone at recess when suddenly someone came up to you And asked if you wanted to play hero with him. "N-no thank you."you said nervously playing with your fingers.No one ever really played with you mainly because you didn't like interacting with other kids." Aw come on it will be fun!" The boy said with a big smile on his face.you didn't want to be rude so you eventually said sure."the name is midoriya izuku!"he said in a bubbly tone."(l/n) (f/n)" you said in a quiet tone.You ended up kinda enjoying it.

💥bakugou💥(middle school)
you were walking to your class when suddenly you heard a males voice yelling at someone in the other direction.You hated class and you were already late so why not go see what was going on? When you got there you saw a student backing away from what looked to be 'a angry Pomeranian?' You thought to yourself. None of the teachers seemed to care so you decided to Intervene. Dumb choice. The dude that was backing away decided to grab your waist and use you as a shield from the Angry dude. Last thing you remember is hearing a big bang. Then you woke up in the nurse's office with a big bruise on your side. You saw the blonde boy and said" hey!". He just turned around and walked away.'rude' you thought to yourself.

you got put together for training.you were walking to the training room and there was just dead silence.you hated the silence so you decided to break it."my name is
(I/n) (f/n).what's yours?" You asked Curiously. "Todoroki shoto..." He said slowly.

It was snowing outside so you decided to go Sledding. Being the Clumsy person you are, you crashed your Sled into a person. And that person just so happened to be shinsou. After helping each other up You apologized a bunch of times. You already knew his name because of the sports festival and he knew yours for the same reason. So you just had to buy him a cup of coffee Because you felt so bad. You insisted Paying no matter how many times he denied.

🐙tamaki🐙(3rd grade)
Tamaki was New To your school. He seems like a quiet person no one really talked to him because Everyone was in their own friend group. You felt bad for him so you went to introduce yourself. When you asked him his name he became stuttering mess. You thought that was cute. So of course you became his friend.

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