shinsou x nb!reader "betrayal..."

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Warning: angst, su!c!de, verbal fighting
Request?: yes I forgot who it was but thank you!
Song: Billie eilish - happier than ever ☺
You and shinsou had become more distant lately, you weren't for sure what for but you knew it was something to do with him working later and not really talking to you lately.
You still loved him for the most part but its like the man you fell in love with was gone...
It was a late Monday night and you had to come home late because you were hanging out with mina and tsu.
As you walked in you saw him on the couch with an angry expression.
"hi?" He jumped at your words but he only seemed more mad once he saw you.
"where the hell were you?!" He raised his voice at you while getting up.
"I was out with a friend...what's your problem?-"
"You're my problem! Hanging out with a "friend", yeah more like fucking your side piece!" Venom filled his voice as he stared at you
You set your stuff down
"What are you talking about shinsou?! Do you really have such little trust in me you can't believe a thing I say?!"
Every time one of you spoke you both got louder and louder.
"You know" I don't really know at this point!"
His words felt like daggers, as you started getting really pissed.
"What the actual fuck hitoshi!? If anything I shouldn't trust YOU!"
The bickering continued back and forth as you started to cry and he just got louder.
"do you trust me?!" He asked
"No!-"  you were cut him using his quirk on you
"Go pack up your shit.." he said as he brainwashed you to do so
By the time you were out of the grasp of his quirk you were outside in the pouring rain with your stuff in a suitcase
You started bawling.
You knew shinsou had anger problems when it came to after work on a late night but this was a bit much even for him.
You found a bus stop that had a cover over it so you slept there.
days past and you were staying with a friend constantly crying and almost never eating.
You stared at your phone as you went through pictures of you and him.. When you were both happy and in love...
"Where did I go wrong..?" you layer on your back and stared at the ceiling and thought to your self as you tear stained cheeks were becoming even more wet with new tears.
"You found a picture frame with a picture of you and him in it.
You traced your fingers across his face then threw the picture into the wall then saw it shatter into pieces while you sat and smiled as the tears streamed down your face and you grabbed a piece of the glass
as for shinsou, he wasn't any better. He wasn't eating, sleeping, or talking to his friends.
The second you walked out, he realized how much of a fucking idiot he was.
" GOD DAMMIT!" He yelled as he looked at a blanket you bought him for when he had to work in his office while the heater was broken. He saw the cat toy you bought hit so it would like you. Every way he turned his head he was reminded of you. No matter how hard he tried it was always gonna be you. He realized that as he grabbed his coat and shoes and sprinted out the door.
He knew the only place you would want to go was your friends house, which you both visited often, So he ran there.
He saw the house as he had a glimmer of hope. He knocked and your friend opened the door with tears in her eyes with a phone in her hand.
"where is (y/n)?!"
Hi guys! Thank you for reading!! Also I wss gone for like two months and all the sudden I have 4k reads?!? Wtf guys ily!!!😭

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