calm me...(tamaki x reader)

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(f/f)=Favorite flavor btw if ya did not know.

You and tamaki have been dating for about A year now. He loved you more than life itself. And you love him the same. A bunch of the boys in 1B had a crush on you which you didn't mind but it bothered tamaki. You know he was shy and insecure about things he also had anxiety. But around you he was less Anxious and acted calmer. Which made you feel special because he didn't feel this way around many people. But 1 day He was acting strange and you didn't know why.

It all started when some of the 1B class Boys we're flirting with you. They always did this but they took in a little far this time like they started getting touchy. Nothing crazy just like touching your shoulder Holding your hands or rubbing your arm. You Were pretty uncomfortable so you decided to leave the conversation. When you left the classroom You felled someone hug you from behind. When you turned around you realized it was your shy boyfriend. That surprised you because he usually didn't Show much affection in public. Not because he didn't want to ,it was because he couldn't he was just too shy and would get to nervous."Hey what's up babe?"The moment you said that his cheeks turned awfully red. You giggled at the sight. "O-oh it's nothing J-just wondering if you w-wanted to hang out after s-school...?"When he said this you smiled idiotically. Of course I would love to hangout with you. And with that you left after kissing his cheek. You could see his face automatically turn red and you couldn't help but giggle again. But then you realize you're shy boyfriend who could barely talk sometimes asked you on a date. It was strange he usually didn't ask it was usually you who did. But you didn't mind that he was getting some confidence. You thought it was cute.

After school You couldn't decide what to wear. That's why you decided to get ready about 2 hours early because you knew you wouldn't know. After about an hour of looking at what to wear you Decided to wear this:

you walked to the ice cream shop that he texted you about and When you got there you saw him with flowers wearing this:

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you walked to the ice cream shop that he texted you about and When you got there you saw him with flowers wearing this:

you walked to the ice cream shop that he texted you about and When you got there you saw him with flowers wearing this:

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You saw him before he saw you and you couldn't help but blush it how cutie looked. When he saw you he turned into tomato. After collecting himself and telling you you looked amazing about A thousand times You both got ice cream. "w-which one d-do we get..?" He Asked while staring at the menu still quite nervous. "we?"You asked in a teasing tone. " y-y-yeah i-i th-thought-"Before he could finish you kissed him lightly. "I'm just joking! How bout we get (f/f)?"It took him about 2 minutes to actually get a word out because he was so stunned and surprised about the kiss. He said sure barely in a whisper voice because that's all he could manage to get out. You both ate the ice cream and sat on a bench as you both watch the sunset.

You both decided that it was time to go home and Hi offered to walk you. And who in their right mine would say no to this adorable little bean.😌You both reached your house and stopped. " I really enjoyed our date thank you it's so much tamaki! " You said with your voice hinted with excitement and love. His face was really red for some reason you knew he got shy but you didn't know why he was so shy all the sudden like you didn't do anything to fluster I'm at the moment. But before you could ask him if anything was wrong he kissed you it wasn't light but it wasn't rough. It was the perfect kiss. You both pulled away after a moment. His face going redder than before if that was even possible. You yourself had a bunch of blush on your face and not just because of the makeup you wore. "I'M S-S-SO S-SORRY I DON'T K-K-KNOW WHAT GOT INTO M-ME!!"He said While frantically waving his arms around. You hug him and planted a kiss on his cheek. He then calmed down. He hugged the back then You walked inside your house and waved him goodbye. After he waved back you shut the door ran to your room flopped on the bed and squealed." EEEEEE"That's all you said before you got some comfy clothes on and Took a shower then went to bed.

There are probably a lot of spelling errors but I don't feel like changing those right now because I'm tired .besides the point, Again I'm sorry for not posting I will be posting more often if I can But Any who goodbye my fellow human beings stay beautiful!!💖


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