When he's jealous.

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Sorry I haven't posted in a while I just kind of lost motivation but I'm back😌✋

•Stares at the person hoping for them to go away.
•Holds your hand tightly.
•If they start to flirt or say comments that make you uncomfortable he'll pull your waist to closer to him and Bury his head in your neck.
•And if they keep going he'll start kissing your shoulder
•After that they usually get the memo and then he says sorry a bunch of times for doing that if it made you uncomfortable.

•He doesn't last long if someone even comments if you look nice or something He automatically start the yelling at them.
•If it's 1 of his friends he'll death glare them.
•After that he takes you to his dorm and cuddles you which usually he doesn't do But you don't complain.

•He doesn't seem like the kind of person who would take action but He loves you so much and doesn't want anyone to take you away so it gets kind of physical.
•If the person goes too far he won't hesitate to freeze their feet And take you to his dorm To snuggle and eat cold soba.

•He literally won't take any of their shit and decides to brainwashed them to make them go off a cliff
•But of course you always talk him out of it. Still that person ends up in a hospital.

•This shy bean gets so insecure that you won't love him if someone else starts flirting with you.
•He just stands behind you with a worried look on his face Looking down.
•w a l l
•After you finally notice what's going on you take him to your dorm and snuggle him reassuring him that you only love him.
•He feels better after that.

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