a suprise (todoroki x reader)

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Hello! I don't know what to put here so um.☺👁👄👁 Enjoy!

You and shoto Had been married For about 2 years now. Now a lot of people think " Oh my goodness it must be amazing being married to the #2 hero!" Or "I bet she gets so spoiled!" But if you were being honest you barely even saw your husband. And when you did he was too tired for work to even talk. Of course after being married to him for 2 years you got used to it. But during his week of you two.....did..things...

~your pov~
Lately I have been feeling sick and tired. I Kept on getting stomach cramps and weird cravings, Like pickle juice or ice cream including anywhere in between the two. Of course I thought nothing of it. Until 1 day I couldn't stop throwing up and I was genuinely starting to get worried about myself. Of course I didn't tell shoto. Because when I tell him I don't feel well he gets all protective. Not that I don't like but he's protective it's just that he brings it to a whole another level. Anyways besides that point I decided I want to go to the doctor today. So I booked an appointment. Surprisingly The doctor's office told me To come in immediately. And it's strange because they told me that right after I told them I symptoms. I got a little worried at 1st but I realized they knew who I was. I was the wife of the #2 hero. So of course they were probably gonna treat me special.

~Time skip~(at the Doctors office.)

The whole time I was at the doctor's office they treated me with Tremendous respect. They did some test that had nothing to do with sickness. Like ultrasounds and other things like that. After about an hour the doctor came in and said something that made my heart stop. "You and the baby are perfectly healthy!Your safe to go home!"My throat became tremendously dry."What do you mean me and the baby..?"I said trying not to be worried."Well you're pregnant!"My heart stopped. I said thank you and left the doctor's office. After that I went to the store to buy a pregnancy test. Of course I just wanted to make sure.

~time skip~

When I got home thank god shoto wasn't here yet. So I went to the bathroom and took the test. It came up positive.' no no no no no this can't be happening. ' I thought to myself In utter disbelief. It took me a few minutes to comprehend. Of course the doctor said it but not all machines at the doctor's office were perfect and worked all the time so I wasn't As scared as I was now.' what if he didn't wanna baby. 'What if he wants to leave me!?'Every single horrible possibility filled my head. I can feel My chest getting heavier and heavier until it was so hard to breathe that I was barely breathing. I stopped thinking and Calmed down.'It's okay. He loves you with all of his heart he wouldn't divorce you just because You had a child.'I thought to myself trying to keep myself calm.

I wrapped the pregnancy test in a box with beautiful red Wrapping paper and a white with silver out lining ribbon. A couple of hours have passed. Of course I was still so worry that he would be mad at me. But my heart started beating rapidly as I heard keys outside the door. The only person with keys to our apartment was me and my husband. I heard the door open and I heard my husband's voice "love,I'm home!"Of course I calmed a bit when he called me love. But my heart was still beating rapidly. I walked over to the kitchen counter and sat on the stool. He saw the present And looked at me confused." What's this my love?"I didn't say anything at 1st but After a few seconds I gathered my thoughts. "Well it's a present...... that I hope you'll like...."I Mumbled the last part Under my breath. He looked at me for a second then walked over to the present and slowly started to take the ribbon off. Then after he took the ribbon off he took the paper off to reveal a black box. I could see a small grin on his face. 1 of those rare ones that I really loved to see. He looked at me for a second then opened the box. I can see his eyes widen and a big smile appeared on his face. A sigh of relief left my lips. And before I could say anything I felt myself being lifted off the ground and spun around the room." I'm going to be a dad!"He said. "Y-your not mad...?"I asked looking Down. "Why would I be mad when I have a beautiful wife carrying my child?"He said lifting my chin a bit. After that we snuggled on the couch he kept on talking About how excited he was to have a child. And how lucky he was to be my husband. A big smile was on his face the whole time.'How did I get so lucky..?' I thought to myself. The only thing that I want now is To have a happy family with my husband. Shoto todoroki.

1002 words
Did you all like it? Because it took me forever to write. It maybe a little bit shorter than the other 1 but this 1 took a lot of my thought because I have 5 drafts of this I've deleted 5 drafts of this paper. And this is the one I chose. So I hope you like this one! Because that's why I haven't posted for a while I've been trying to write this 1. Anyways stay beautiful my fellow human beings!

~weeb_squad_check ~

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