Park love~

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(bakugou x reader)

I'm really Bad at making titles So I have no idea what to call this but since all the juicy stuff happens it's at the park I'm calling it park love. But that's all I have to say anyways enjoy!


3rd person

Bakugou. He was your best friend but also your crush. I mean every girl liked him he was really good looking. But you so past his anger and he's looks you saw a soft side. And that's what made you fall for him. When your younger sister found out you liked him She went ballistic and keep on yelling "You're going to make grand babies with him!!"Everyday when you started writing in your diary about him. Of course your mother knew you liked him because when you were younger you accidentally said it out loud. And by that I mean that you and him have been friends since middle school and he always used to come over to your house and vent about either midoriya or how school sucks. Of course it would always make you giggle how angry he got or flustered, Mostly embarrassed.

As the years when on you thought your crush on him was just like a playground crush nothing big and he would get over in a few months but you never did and he was stuck in your head like a evil obsession. Every time you saw him it was like seeing him for the 1st time it was amazing all you could say in your head was ' wow. 'But you knew that you would never end up with him. But you always had dreamed of him and you being together. Even though you tried to force yourself to stop you never could. Your little sister didn't help either she was such a bother she was about 10 years younger than you. you were 17 in school so she was 7. No matter how many times you tried to tell her to be quiet or shut up she would just keep on going about how she can't wait to have nieces and nephews. You kind of got worried about how she knew about all this making babies and stuff but you quickly Brushed that off.

You were walking to school on your phone you had about an hour till school started so you had plenty of time to waste. you always got up really early in the morning to make sure that everything was perfect and you wouldn't be late.bakugou On the other hand hated waking up early he used to walk with you everyday. But when you both got into U.A He barely even talk to you and whenever you tried to talk to him he just ignore you that's when you started letting go of your crush for him you still knew you liked him deep down but you knew you had to let go which was hard but you were trying unsuccessfully but you were. When you got to school there was a lot of people there because everyone wanted to get there early and surprisingly you so Bakugou. But you didn't there walk up to him he always ignored you. As soon as you saw him you felt pain in your chest because he was talking to 1 of the girls and she looked very attractive. That's when you're insecurity started to eat you alive....

Bakugou's pov

For some reason one of the girls in 1B Kept on talking to me and wouldn't leave me alone no matter how many times I told her to 'fuck off' or 'shut the hell up'. She kept on talking about how she was gonna get into class 1 a with me which I didn't really care if she did or not she was so annoying to this point but I just wanted her to shut up but of course I saw (y/n) walking in the exact moment I was about to Start yelling at this girl. (Y/N).... The girl I've had a crush on ever since I met her. But when we got into you a I became distant because I was scared that she wouldn't like the person I've become or that she wouldn't like me back so I just stopped talking to her. Of course she didn't seem that bothered but I mean I was just from my perspective she could have been hurting deep down and I could have never known. So everyday I have a battle in my head wondering if I should talk to her or not.

~Time skip~

You're pov

It was almost sundown but it was still bright outside. In my sister Would not stop bugging me about taking her to the park. After a while I finally gave in but I hated going to the park. I hated it because me and Bakugou used to go.. And after he stopped talking to me I promised myself I would never go there again because so many memories pulled my head and filled my heart with pain. But she was my little sister and I promised my mom would take care of her. My mom and dad were on a business trip because they owned a company with a fellow family that I didn't know. So me being a responsible person I decided I could take care of my little sister which. was .a .big. mistake.
My sister could be loud and obnoxious but ever since she found out I liked bakugou She became more obnoxious than ever. Besides that we were walking to the park when suddenly I heard a loud boom. That boom I knew ever so well. Bakugou katsuki....
But The fact of that suddenly ran out of my mind once my sister started playing and I sat on the bench. I heard her playing with another kid that I didn't know but it was probably one of her school friends. Then suddenly I heard a voice I recognized. "Hey....."It was him my long time crush and Old best friend.

At 1st our conversation was Kind of quiet and not very talkative. But then it became a little more heartfelt and we talked about how much we missed each other and missed each other's company. My sister suddenly stared at us. I didn't know what she was planning but I knew it wasn't anything good ….. Then out of nowhere she came running up to me and bakugou."Hey sis and mister Could you both kiss my cheek real quick."I looks very confused but she had a big smile on your face So all I did was agree bakugou looked at me weird. And I just not in my head slowly with the confused look in my face.    " Sure I guess..?"I Kept my eyes open but the second my lips touched something other than a cheek I couldn't help but close my eyes. Then I open them I saw my sister laying under me and bakugou giggling While me and bakugou Were kissing. Suddenly he opened his eyes a little and he had the same expression as me but neither of us pulled away then suddenly I felt hands on my hips they were his. But soon enough We had to break away for air. My sister was Giggling uncontrollably while me and Bakugou's faces We're almost as red as Tomatoes.

Suddenly I heard bakugou speak"Look (y/n).... I like you and I have for a long time but I've just been too scared to tell you that's why I stopped talking to you cause I knew that you wouldn't like me back... "Suddenly my heart started racing and all I can make out was 3 words" I love you.."His eyes wouldn't when I said this but he didn't hesitate to kiss me again. Suddenly we heard A high pitched scream. "MY SHIP HAS SAILED!"My sister yelled from A few feet away from us.'Is this really happening...'Was all I could think the whole time he was holding me in his arms. He chuckled a bit with my sister said that but That didn't really matter to me..... All that matter was that I'm he's and he's mine......

1430 words

I'm so proud of this But I hope you enjoyed this one shot! And remember if you have any 1 shot request don't be afraid to leave a request in any of the comments it doesn't have to be on the request page. But anyways stay beautiful my fellow human beings!


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