tamaki x nb!reader

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This one isn't suggested I just wanted to do it!:-P a cute short one!
No ones pov~

You stood in the hallway waiting for you're lovely pointy ear boyfriend.

You still had about five minutes until He would show up so you decided to play on you're phone.

After about four minutes of playing you felt a tap on you're shoulder,hoping it would be tamaki, you turned you're head around with a big smile.
To you're disappointment it wasn't him.
It was some new kid that had just arrived to the school recently.

"um hi can I help you?" You asked politely.
"yes I'm sorry. But how is someone so stunning standing here all alone?" He asked with a flirtatious tone.
"Oh..um..thank you? Also I'm waiting for my bo- "
"Such a beautiful woman like you deserves a handsome man."

"I'd prefer if you didn't call me a woman-"
Out of no where you saw you're boyfriend walk up towards you both.
"E-excuse me but t-they aren't a w-woman, so p-please don't address t-them as so."
He said trying to sound brave.
"And who are you To tell me what to call her."
"I-im their boyfriend a-and stop call them  a she. Its r-rude."
You stood there stunned as the new kid rolled his eyes and walker off.

"I really w-wasn't that cute....... B-but thanks.."

After saying that you gave him a light peck on the lips
Leaving the poor boy a blushing stuttering mess ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Done! :-D  hope y'all liked it! I have just been simping over him lately sooo yeahhhhh-
But! please tell me if you have anyone you want me to write about! But that's all Goodbye my fellow humans stay beautiful!💖👄💖 😘😌

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