When he confesses pt1

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It was late in the afternoon and raining hard. It was actually quite cold outside as well. You were laying in your dorm ready to turn on a movie and probably go to bed. But then you got a phone call. You look to see who it was and it was one of your best friends izuku midoriya. You had a crush on him for like about 4 years now but you couldn't find a way to tell him. And because you didn't wanna ruin your friendship with him. Rejection was one of the scariest things to you. You pick up the phone. "Hey what's up?"You asked in a tired tone."Oh h-hey! I was wondering if y-you wanted to h-hangout t-tomorrow?"He said in the shy tone."Are you sure I heard tomorrow it's gonna be raining?"There was silence in the phone for a little bit." Y-yeah I'm s-sure!"He was stuttering but he sounded a bit more confident."Yeah sure I guess. "You said kind of excited he asked to hangout."Okay great see you tomorrow!"He said super fast and hung up immediately. 'That's weird he didn't tell me when it was coming to pick me up or what we were gonna do' You thought to yourself scared that he might not wanna be friends anymore because he hung up so fast he sounded like he didn't wanna talk to you but You were sure the opposite of it. You woke up the next morning on your couch. You got your phone so you could see the time and there were 3 text messages all from izuku midoriya. Your Head shot up. Saying that he was coming to pick you up in an hour. You rushed over to your bathroom And through on some cute clothes.

(This is what you wore)

You heard knocking on the door

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You heard knocking on the door. So you went to answer it and it was izuku With A big smile on his face. You blushed at the sight." H-hey (y/n) ready to go?"He asked eagerly."yep!"You said really Nervous about what was gonna happen. Being the person you are you totally forgot it was gonna rain. So when izuku Offered you his coat in the rain You totally melted and you were so flustered. You said no about 100 times because you didn't want him to get wet. But being the person he is he insisted. So after a while of hanging out going to the ice cream shop he seemed a bit different than usual which kind of worried you but not that much. Then he brought you to the park under a beautiful blossom tree. He said a few things that you couldn't quite here. But then out of nowhere he said (y/n) I really like you and I will be very pleased if you would  go on a date with me!"Surprisingly not stuttering. Your heart fluttered. And before he could say anything else you leaned him and kissed him on the lips. Of course your eyes were closed but you could tell that he's weren't they were wide open With really red cheeks. "Of course you dummy!"You said still you're heart pounding but you wanted to sound brave or confident. He was so excited that he took you out on more dates the same week like everyday was something different. You could tell you're gonna love him for the rest of your life.

(why was that so long?)

You and him knew each other for about 5 years now. He was a total hot head but for some reason you thought it was cute when he got mad. Anyway it was at u.a. In front of the whole class. You were super tired And Didn't want to do any work apparently neither did Aizawa. So everyone was just chit chatting away. You hadn't seen bakugou yet what was surprising. I mean yes he seems like the kind of person who would skip school but he never skips class because he wants to become the #1 hero. Then you heard some mumbling everybody else was talking loudly you're seat it was by the door so you heard someone else outside the door mumbling. Then you Bakugou Walk in with flowers and a card. You got scared for a second thinking that he was gonna Confess to 1 of the girls. But now he walked up to you and suddenly everyone got really quiet. "Be my fucking girlfriend Dumbass."He tried sounding cool but you can see the fluster on his face. You were just a shocked as everyone else." Yes..yes of course!"You said jumping up and hugging him. He looks surprise but soon hugged you back. Everyone else started cheering for Bakugou And then suddenly you heard someone scream. "I FUCKING KNEW IT!!" Of course it was mina But you ignored it enjoying the moment you were having with your new boyfriend. You couldn't believe That you were dating your crush your best friend and your soulmate.

Almost all the girls in your class had a crush on him he was 1 of the more hot guys in your class and all the girls agreed on that all though some of them didn't have a crush on him they still thought it was hot which you couldn't disagree you've had a crush on him ever since you met him. But others not so much like momo she's had a crush on in the second she met him. It made you mad every time she walked up to him and pressed her chest again his. But you always got over it. You were really tired that day So you decided you just put some comfy clothes on and Go watching movie and make some snacks.1st you took a shower of course!

(This is what you wore) When you are back to sit down and choose a movie to watch by yourself you heard knocking so you went to go answer it

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(This is what you wore)
When you are back to sit down and choose a movie to watch by yourself you heard knocking so you went to go answer it. When you open the door you say your best friend shoto todoroki Standing in the doorway With a white tank top and sweatpants on. "oh hey do you need anything?"You said curiously."Yeah actually I um I wanna know if I could come in?"He said unsure of himself."Yeah definitely come on!"You said Bubbly."Thanks.."He said quietly but you heard him."So what did you ne-"You were interrupted by something more so someone kissing your lips. When you realized it was shoto You happily kissed back. And soon broke away cause you had so many questions."You like me?"You said So excited you could barely keep yourself together."Yeah I have for a while now...."He said. So you Cupped his face And kiss them the kissing slowly turned into a make out session let's just say that.

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