nap time (shinsou x reader)

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You and your boyfriend shinsou Had just finished school And you were both looking for a apartment to live in. You both talk to your parents and they both agreed. Of course you didn't expect them to. But when they did you were so excited that you get to live with your amazing Boyfriend. You were both driving to the new apartment that you got but You were nervous. And I'm talking like really nervous.

"you ok kitty?"When he said that your cheeks went red. He knew that when he called you kitty you got flustered and nervous But that didn't stop him from doing it." Yeah I'm fine."You said with your face in your hands. Soon enough you both got there and it was beautiful. It had a white anterior and 3 different bed rooms."wow.."You muttered as you went through the house with him. He held your hand through the way which made you blush. It still Blows your mind that you get to live with him and that you're both going to be together. it was your dream. A dream that you didn't think would come true. But here you were standing with him.

After a long time of unpacking and a bunch of moving trucks coming and going. You both decided it would be good to get something to eat so you ordered some food (you choose what you want). When it got there you were so excited to eat cause you're starving from the long day. Shinsou was hungry as well but not as hungry as you.
You both sat down to eat. And you started eating the food as fast as possible. "Wow calm down the foods not going anywhere."He said well chuckling." I know but it's just so delicious!"You stated after swallowing her mouthful of food. He smiled and laughed a little bit at what you said. To him you were the cutest thing ever no doubt about it. And to you he was the most handsome and ✨SmExY✨Person ever.

You both finished eating and cleaned up your food. You still had a lot of unpacking to do Well you both did. But you were both so exhausted now it was almost unbearable about how tired you were. Shinsou went into one of the bedrooms were you had the mattresses set up for the night And you know he was probably Going to go to bed. But when he came out he had pajamas for you and him and his hands. He must have put the suitcase in there that's the only way he could have grabbed them. "Here get changed." He Through the comfortable clothes at you. "why?"You said with a smile on your face. " just do it."He said then walked back into the Room to get changed. You did as he said and got changed into your clothes that he gave you. Then you walked into the bedroom with the mattresses to see him waiting on 1 with a book in his hand and the lamp turned on with the lights off. "So why Did you want me to change?" You asked then put your hand on your hip."Because it's nap time."He said then put his books down. Then he grabbed his hands out and reached for you like a child."okay okay I'm coming."You said then jumped on to the mattress with him.

The rest of the night just included cuddling and Saying sweet nothing's to each other until you both fell asleep. You knew that this man was your soulmate without a doubt.

Hey guys sorry for not posting lately I've been Having writers block lately but I'm really trying. I am. and school's catching up with me so yeah. But I just wanna say that I love you guys and I hope you're doing great and that you all stay safe anyways goodbye my fellow human beings stay beautiful!


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