Never letting you go.. (kirishima x reader)

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Just so you know your Quirk Is Teleporting.

your pov~

Me and my husband we're just chilling on the couch having a great time while he was in his shark onesie and I was in his T-shirt and some shorts. My agency said I could have the week off since my husband has the week off. And for them to say yes to that took a lot of begging. Of course I absolutely hated having to stay at work while my husband got the day off. But since he had a week off I wasn't gonna let that slip. Anyways besides the point My agency is suddenly called. "Hey be right back."I said to kirishima. He Pouted."Fine."he Said with A frown. Of course. My agency said There was a villain attack. So I changed into my hero costume. I ran to kirishima."Sorry babe there is a villain attack!"I said as I rushed out the door. Usually he's the 1 running out when we snuggle but I guess the roles changed for once.

When I got there there was screaming. The villain had taken someone hostage and was holding them against their will at the top of a building. They looked young. The building was at least 400 ft high. I can only teleport to places I see. So I couldn't teleport up there. So I had to sneak to the back which I did successfully. I ran up the stairs more so teleported to each flight of stairs. But is soon as I got to the top I saw how close they were to the edge. The little girl looked about at least 7 Years old. I knew for a fact if I tried to teleport to him he Would push her off. There was only 1 choice I had in this situation. A choice that I wasn't too fond of. And I knew anyone who loved me wouldn't be fond of this choice either. The only Choice I had was to take the girls place. And by that I mean teleport Me to where the girl will standing and the girl To where I was standing. I knew the second I teleported to where the girl was the man would push me off the building. He had something in his hands I couldn't tell what it was though I didn't wanna get too close cause then he would know I was on the roof with him. So I did it. I teleported me in his arms.the second I did he attached something to my wrist and push me off the building. I tried use my Quirk the closer I got to the ground. But then I realized what was on my wrist. It was something that heroes called the Quirk Restrictor. They called it that because it enabled you to use your quirk. That's what he attached to my wrist. Before I could think of a way out of this I saw the ground at least 10 ft from my face and after that I blacked out.

Kirishima's pov~

After my wife left A few minutes later I got a call from the hero agency. It was a villain attack. I was hoping it was the same one my wife was at so we can work together. I loved getting to work with my wife. But when I got there There was something. The villain was gone there were ambulances everywhere police guarding off areas .one ambulance particularly Caught my eye because it was the 1 that had to get heroes when they were hurt. That got me worried. That always got me worried. It could be 1 of my friends 1 of my fellow heroes or heck even my wife. So I searched around for everyone that I knew I saw all my friends because they got here when I did they were just confused. I saw all the heroes I knew. But then my heart stopped. I didn't see my wife anywhere. I went to go see if there were any heroes you came with my wife And eventually I saw 1. "Hey! Have you seen (y/n)!?"The hero just looked at me with shock."You didn't know what happened...?"I shook my head slowly."Well you see......... (After explaining because I'm too lazy) I shook my head and disbelief. This was not happening. Not right now not today not ever. The 1 person I promise to protect with my life. Half dead half alive. After hearing those words that my wife could be dead I ran straight to the hospital didn't even ask to be drove there. When I got there I saw my wife laying here blood everywhere. My heart stopped it felt like everything stopped. I couldn't breathe I couldn't..... Think properly.

~(time skip)~ 9 months later

It had been 9 months since I've seen my wife well I've seen her just not talked to her 9 months. Everyday the doctor's has told me oh she should wake up soon or don't be worried. Which to be honest that only worried me more than more they said that because They kept on saying it even if they knew it wasn't gonna happen. I learned that after the 1st month. Till 1 day I got a phone Call from the hospital. They never really called me unless something weird happened so I picked it up immediately. "Hello?"I asked scared to see what happened. Then I heard words. Words that made my heart stop beating. My wife was awake.(y/n).the second I heard those words I jumped into my car and drove as fast as I could to the hospital. I got there and I ran to her room. Then I saw her. My beautiful wife. She looked a bit confused but that didn't really worry me. I ran up to her and hugged her. But not too hard for of course you could still be hurt." K-kirishima?"She asked a bit Confused. The doctor's explain to her what happened I never let go through the process. She started talking to me about how she was okay and how I could let her go.

                                                                                                 "No,I'm never letting you go again..."

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this 1 I just felt like writing 1 I didn't know what else to write about so. Yeah. Anywho that's about all I have to say for today. So. Stay beautiful my fellow human beings!✨


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