dabi x fem!reader "Jealousy..."

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I don't know what to consider this it definitely isn't fluff but it ain't angst sooooo It's gonna be smut....ig! 👉🏻👈🏻😗

Normal pov~

The league of villains We're out on a mission.
So that just left you At the base.
You got bored easily so you left pretty quick after they left.
May I remind you you were dating dabi...THE dabi.
You knew he got angry easily so you didn't tell him you were going out because you didn't want him to worry or you didn't wanna get yelled at.
He loved you he just had a strange way of showing it.......
"Ohhh I should go get ice cream!"You thoughts yourself getting excited.
And before you say anything no one knew that you were dating a villain you just seemed like a normal person.
You never did anything bad and you mainly just say to the base.
You walked out and took a shortcut through a alleyway.
Soon enough you are on a sidewalk with a bunch of other people.
You saw the ice cream shop in the distance.
'Yesss' You thought to yourself
As you walked in You saw a couple empty tables.
" hi what can I get ya!" The woman said in a bubbly tone
" Hello! Can I get (f/f)!"
"Of course, here ya go!"She said as she handed you you're ice cream.
"Thanks!"You told her giving her the money and then going to take a seat.
You were eating you're ice cream in peace until you heard a whistle.
You turned around to see a man looking at you ass.
" um excuse me but that's rude you pervert!"
"Calm down sweet cheeks I just wanted to know if I could get you're number.." He said getting way to close for comfort
" I'm goo-" before you could finish the sentence someone grabbed his are and started burning it.
" hell no" dabi said as he continued burning him.
The man screamed in pain as the rest of the customers look horrified and the cashier seemed to be calling someone.
After dabi finished burning that man he grabbed you're wrist and dragged you to a abandoned alley.
He then pinned you up against the brick wall.
"Dabi what the hell!?" You yelled at him
He didn't say anything he just stared into you're eyes
After a stare of he roughly started kissing you and soon enough his mouth traveled all the way to you're cooler bone leaving a trail of hickeys and bite marks.
"Dabi what the hell are you doing.."
He didn't respond until he finished kissing you're neck
"I don't like it when others try to take things from me.." He said then growled in you're ear
"Especially when that thing is you ,little mouse." he said whispering the nickname in you're ear.
Eventually he took most you clothes of leaving you in you're undergarments.
And he started kissing you until his face got lower..and lower...and lower.......
Lets just say you had a hard time walking back to the base....hehe

hope you liked this one!! Anywho hope you guys have a great day!
Goodbye fellow Human beings stay beautiful!!!!!!💕💓💕💖💞😘


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