Monoma x fem!reader "Cocky bastard..."

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Just some fluff for my children!😘

You're pov~

Me and my boyfriend were cuddling in my dorm and out of nowhere he squeezed my butt.
I looked up at him shocked. "What?" He asked looking at me, innocently batting his eyelashes.
"I'm going to pretend you didn't just do that." I said laying my head back on his chest.
"Do whatttt~" he claimed dragging the end.
"This?~" he said squeezing my butt again.
I smacked his hand and stood up. "Okay I'm done cuddling"
"Whatever you're no fun." He got up and started to mess with some of the things on my desk like my Mangas,my pens ect.
"Cut it out babe." I told him.
He just turned around and pouted.
"I can't believe you deny me of cuddles!" He emphasized the word me.
'oh god here comes his big ass ego' I thought to myself rolling your eyes.
" I'm amazing, strong, cool, and way better then those 1-a freaks, but yet you still have the audacity to not give me cuddles!" He stopped his foot on the ground with his chin in the air.
"Calm down you're acting like a toddler" I told him as I grabbed a pocky box. ( You can choose the flavor it doesn't matter)
"Toddler!? How dare you I'm a grown ma- "
You cut him off by giving him a kiss on the lips.
" you done?" I asked sitting on the bed.
"Yes." He said Sitting next to me.
"Good cuz I wanna watch a movie!" I said grabbing the TV remote and getting under the covers.
"can we still cuddle.."He said it quietly but I could still hear it. I felt like teasing though.
"Did you say something?"I said moving To the farther side of the bed away from him.
"You heard me don't make me repeat myself!"He said with his ego getting in the way again.
"I really didn't but okay.." I moved farther away again.
"I said can we still cuddle dammit!" He told me.
"Oh of course I didn't you ask before?" I said giving him a teasing smirk.
"I hate you sometimes" He said Wrapping his arms around me as we cuddled.

~Time skip ~ (after the movie.)

Neither me or neito felt like getting up so we just stayed like that in silence.
It wasn't awkward silence it was More like relaxing silence.
I intertwine my hand with his.
I looked up to see his calm face, he was sleeping.
" god I love you." I said.
"I would love me to" he said winking and ruining the moment.
" Cocky bastard..."

Ehem.. just wanna say.....ILYSM GUYSSS!!💞💓💞💓💞💕💖💗
K know that we got that out the way I hope you guys enjoyed!
Goodbye my fellow human beings stay beautiful!!😘✨💞


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