hawks x fem!reader "Hard to be mad at you!?"

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Enjoy babes!

normal pov~

You were standing on the porch because of a text your boyfriend sent you.
You are nervous that he was gonna do something stupid.... I mean when does he not..
This is what he texted you.

Daddy bird💖👄💖
Hey baby bird could you stand on the porch for me please?                                     you                  
Daddy bird💖👄💖
Pleaseee just do it???                                                                                                         you

That's basically how the conversation went.
You We're waiting for him it's been about 10 minutes and he still hasn't came.
Just as you were about to go back inside You felt a gust of wind.
You turned around to See hawks Standing there with a stupid grin on his face.
"Hey baby bird." He said then pulled you by you're waist
"Hello to you too.."You Said hiding your flustered face in his neck.
Just as you were about to say something you felt the ground beneath your feet disappear.
You're heart stopped as you looked up to see hawks holding you while Lifting you both in the air.
" OH HELL NO!"You said as your grip on him became tighter.
"Calm down you'll be fine I've got you!"Hi said while chuckling at your expression
You Hid your face Back in his neck.
You took a peek And so you were above the whole city.
You almost fainted when you looked down.
" KEIGO WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU GOING" You said while hiding your head in his chest again.
" calm you're tits babe we're here."
You both landed safely but then you came to realization of what he said.
"wait a damn minute did you just tell me to calm my tits?"
He just tugged you on to the ground Then you landed on some pillows and blankets
"Look I got you food!"
"Bitch you didn't answer my q- "Before you could say anything you felt lips on yours
" dammit Why are you making it so hard to be mad at you!?" You asked him with a flushed face

Yuh.3rd time posting today. Trying to make up for all the time that I didn't post again I'm sorry guys! But anyways that's it for this chapter!
Goodbye fellow human beings stay beautiful!!!!!!💞😘💞💅💗

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