•(scenario) when you make them flustered•pt1

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you were sitting in the common room alone listening to music while drawing, when suddenly all of you're fellow classmates were heading out.

"Where are y'all going?" You said while taking a ear bud out to hear their answer.

"none of you're damn Business, extra!" You heard Iida chime in, "bakugou! That is no way to talk to a fellow classmate!" He stated while doing his signature hand movements.

"oh (y/n), we are just going to the mall!" Mina said with a big smile "you can come if you want!"

"Nah I'm good, but thanks." You said turning back to you're drawing, "Wait but how did you get the angry Pomeranian to come?" You asked them, "EH!? WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?! I'LL KILL YOU!" you ignored what he said and watched as they all walked out.

'I'm bored' you thought to you're self. You were thinking of things to fill you're entertainment. You finally decided on going to you're room to watch a movie, but as you were walking you saw a familiar green haired boy.

"Midoriya!" You said, excited you had a person to talk to.

"oh! Hello l/n-chan!"You seem to have startled him, which made you giggle.

"Why aren't you hanging out with everybody else?" You asked him while leaning on his arm.

"w-well I wanted to stay here.." He said his face turning really red.

"oohh~ are you flustered?" The tone in your voice made him even more red.

"N-NO!" he immediately covered his face with his hands.

"you are just so adorable! I could kiss you right now!" When you said that you swear you saw his soul leave his body.

He just ran too his room, as you giggled by how flustered he got.

You were in your boyfriends room just laying on his bed when suddenly you got a text from a friend you met in middle school. "who the hell is that?" you heard katsuki say.

"oh, nobody" You said, knowing it would get on his nerves.

"no seriously. Who the fuck was that?!"

"A friend of mine, jeez!"you showed him the text which read

'hey its been awhile! Wanna catch up?'

"Whatever.." He said as he looked away

"Gasp! Are you..jealous??" You inched closer to him

"WHAT NO! And did you just fucking say gasp-"

"You were so jealous!"

"SHUT UP!" he said covering his face with his arms

"aww are you blushing? How cute!" You said as you poked his side


You giggled, which turned into laughter, which turned into you wheezing, leaving katsuki there pouting.

You knew shoto was the "dense" type so when he asked what "making out" was you couldn't help but start laughing uncontrollably while trying to catch your breath.

"HAHA-  It -PFFT I CANT" you managed to wheeze out as you covered your face with your hands.

after you finally stopped laughing you sat up and said "do you actually not know what making out is?"

"no..?" he said looking at the ground "should I know what it is?"

"I mean it isn't a bad thing! I just thought it was funny how you never figured it out." You said laying back onto the couch you were on.

"so....what is it?" You thought a second before answering his question, but then suddenly you had a great idea.

"I mean it's pretty hard to explain... I could show you if you want!" You said slowly scooting over to him

"oh...okay?" He said

you put your hand under his chin and slowly moved closer towards his lips.

"wait what-" he was cut off by your lips connecting.

You surprised him at first but as soon as he seemed comfortable you slipped your tongue into his mouth and started to straddle him.

his muffled words and flustered face made you giggle.

Just when he seemed kinda used to it you stopped.

"that's what it is!" you said as you kissed his cheek

"I- " he got back into regular posture as you got off him and he cleared his throat

You looked beside you again to see a very flustered todoroki

you smiled and hugged his torso as he still tried to comprehend what just happened.

Thanks For reading babes😩✋

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