I'm finally a God somewhat (edited)

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After Zeus agreed to my request I looked at Poseidon who looked like he wanted to jump out of his throne and kill me. "Well can I see her," I asked in a calm voice. "Who," asked Zeus with a confused look on his face (gods his so slow) "Lilly of course" I yelled waking up Dionysus. "NO" Poseidon barked at me. (Looks like someone got sand in his shorts) Zeus gave him a ugly look and told Athena to go get Sea for me.

After Zeus told me to go get the little girl I got up and went to Poseidon's temple. when I opened the door all I could smell saltwater "ew" I thought to myself. I walked up to the crib in the middle of the room it didn't look like it belonged there but, whatever.

I went over there and looked at the little flower. I can tell she was Poseidon's because of her eyes. I chuckled to myself and picked her up she smiled at me and looked at me with those sea-blue eyes of her's. I smiled back at her and said: "I can tell you and I  are going to get along just fine my little flower" then I started walking back to the throne room.

When I saw Athena come back with Sea in her arms I smiled. she walked upright over to me and put Sea in my arms. Then she whispered in my ear "you better not hurt one little hair on her head or I'll kill you!" then Athena walked away. I looked at Sea who was looking at me with a grin on her face. "someone really likes you my little river." I looked at the Gods and said "thank you" then I flashed back home

After chaos thanked us I got a little nervous then BAM he was gone in a flash of black light. "Were in the Hades did he go!" I yelled looking at Zeus Who just shrugged his shoulders. While Hades sent a glare my way for using his name as a swear word, but what the freaks ever. 

"Home sweet home"'I told Sea who was still in my arms she tried to look around but couldn't because I was still holding her so tight. I chuckled to myself and kissed her on the forehead then she started glowing I smiled "there you go my little river all your godly powers." then I walked over to the river of me and grinned "this will give you all the powers of the gods even though you already have them my little river." I walked in the river with her in my arms. After about ten minutes I walked out she was still smiling at me. "There you go my darling now you are the strongest little girl I have ever seen," I said with a smile then flashed back to the throne room.

There was Poseidon pacing back and forth waiting for his little girl.
When he finally saw me he ran right to me and held out his arms for me to give Water-Lilly back to him. (Which I didn't want to do)
I handed her over before he would say anything I left.

"That was weird even for chaos," I said still confused with what just happened. then I saw the look on Poseidon's face. "what's wrong my brother" I asked him. he looked at me and said, "she feels different like power-wise not physically but power-wise."

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