What do you mean im ground

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But uncle Z that's not fair I didn't do anything I protested
You heard me Sea you are ground you are not allowed to leave Olympus in'till the quest is over is that clear ZEUS yelled.

I crossed my arms and and whined I have to help them it's my job

No your job is to protect the demigods and to make sure there safe AT CAMP and you know the rules we are not allowed to intervene in any quest is that clear young lady he yelled

Yes uncle ZEUS I sighed in defeat.

Now go to your room I will have someone come and get you when dinner is ready.

Yes uncle.

I walked out of the throne room and went to my room

Man this is SOO unfair I just want to help my brothers and friends man he doesn't understand I sighed laying down on my bed.

Sea are you ok I heard someone knock on the door.

No I'm not ok and go away not in the mood I yelled.

But do people listen to me NOOO of course not.

They came in anyway Apollo (sunshine) Artemis (moonbeam) Hermes (mailman) and ATHENA (mother owl)

Are you alright cuz Apollo asked.

No he grounded me in'till the quest is over I sighed

Apollo and Hermes sat next to me it's ok cuz it's not all bad Hermes said

Not bad, I'm stuck here when my friends and brothers are out there plus my boyfriend and its not bad right on top of that its the labyrinth one of the worst place on earth and they're all alone and I'm ground I yelled.

Sea you have to understand it from your uncles point of view last he heard you were being tortured he is just weird ATHENA said.

But mother I whined

No buts get some rest you will need it someone will come get you later ok she said.

Yes mother I understand I sighed.

They all left the room and then I got a text from Nico

<skull face>
Your brother just shot a dude with a arrow through his head. 😵😵😵😵😵

<coral brain>
What happened?!

Nico told me the hole story of them meeting up cleaning a stable dude backed out of the deal tried to kill them PERCY shoot an arrow guided by Hera and killed him Bianca showed up yeah crazy stuff

<coral brain>
R u ok 😥😥

<skull face>
I'm fine just a little freaked out but I'll live

So what you doing

<coral brain>
Texting you because drama queen grounded me in'till quest over

<skull face>

WHAT that's not fair

<coral brain>
IKR I wish he would understand were I'm coming from

<skull face>
It's ok baby I think the quest will be over soon I love you 😘😘😘😘😘😍😍😍😘😘😘

<coral brain>
Love you too baby

After that I turned up my music and started reading one of my books then my phone rang a text from PERCY ah oh.


(Little sis)
I'm grounded on Olympus in'till the quest is over


(Little sis)
I don't know ill see u after ok I love you Perce

Kk love u 2 Sea 😘

I'm happy his not mad at me for not coming to him right away but what was I supposed to do.

I turned off my phone then there was a knock on the door M'lady dinner is ready

Ok thank is it formal wear tonight I yelled.

Yes M'lady

I sighed and got dressed I put on a blue dress with a black belt and black heels. I straighten my hair and put a hat on. I put all my jewelry my ring from Nico never leaves my finger but you what I didn't have on my locket and my charm bracelet from the gods when I was little with all there symbols on it.

I walked into the dining room and sat down in between my father and my mother owl.

My uncle snapped his fingers and dinner was served.

I took off my lid and saw a cheeseburger with blue fries and in my glass was blue cherry coke I guess the blue food and drink thing rubbed off on me.

My father smiled at me and smiled back. I was about to eat my dinner when my uncle said Sea may I speak with you in private.

(Great what did I do now)

Yes uncle I said putting my food down and getting up.

He did the same and we walked out of the dining room into the throne room.

He cleared his throat Sea I want to know who it was that kidnapped you he growled

It was Hyperion uncle Z I sighed

He eyes widen are you sure
He asked

I rolled my eyes yes uncle I'm sure so can I got back to dinner.

He sighed yes yes you can go back.

With that I did a little bow and left.

I walked back into the dining room and took my seat my food was cold so I put the plate on my hands and heated it up.

I smiled on how easily I can control my powers now I guess my incident helped a little now I have more control over my powers then before.

So Sea how are you feeling my father asked

Umm fine why do you ask

You were kidnapped

Oh right well it hurt and now I'm ground so.... yeah

He sighed Sea you know what I mean

I sighed I'm find really dad don't worry I'm fine ok

He nodded his head and looked away.

Man this is going to be a long day

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