I finally get to know my mom

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I was nervous like really really nervous.
(how could I be this nervous it's my mom it's not like I'm bring my boyfriend home or something I'm going to meet my mom)
I nocked on the door and not even 4 seconds later my mom opened the door
(scared the shit out of me by the way)
PERCY she yelled
( it kind of hurt she didn't yell my name)
Hi mom he said. I stepped out of my brother's shadow hi mom I said clammily

She almost nocked Percy on his butt she grabbed me and hugged me so tight ( thank the gods I didn't have my wings out)
I could feel her tears on my shoulder I hugged her back

It's ok mom I'm here now I'm okay I told her trying to get her to stop crying.

She let go and just stared at me I know my little Water Lilly I know

Before I could do anything she grabbed mine and Percy's hand and dragged us in the apartment.

The first thing that came to mind was OMGS the smell no wonder the monsters never found Percy.

She pulled us in the living room and sat us on the couch then she pulled a up a chair and sat right in front of us.

She smiled at us then wiped away her tears so Lilly how have been how was life like on Olympus.

I laughed trying to hide the tears it was really cool my life has been good I trained every day I became a god so yeah life has been good

Her mouth dropped yo.. you became a god

Yeah mom I did on the wishes of Lord Chaos himself

She just nodded umm what are you the goddess of she asked

I smiled I'm the goddess of trust, loyalty, hurricanes, and demigods

She smiled and hugged me that's great Lilly

Umm mom I go by Sea but if you don't want to call me that I guess ....

She started to laugh I remember when your dad gave you that nickname how could I forget it she chuckled.

So how about this you ask me a question and I answer ok mom I asked her

She smiled I like that idea

Ok hit me with your best shot I smiled

Ok sweetie umm what's your favorite color

Favorite animal

Did you have a favorite genre of music

Not really I listen to pretty much everything I get my hands on

Do you have a boyfriend

Do you have a crush on someone

I looked at Percy then back to my mom thank goodness she got the hint

Percy dear can you go get us something to drink please

Percy stood up and nodded his head

My mom cleared her throat so Sea who is your crush

I smiled well I think it's a crush I'm not really sure but it's on this kid at camp his name is Nico and his really sweet

My mom smiled you have to bring him her one day so I can meet him

I nodded I'll do that

Then Percy came back with blue lemonade I laughed at the sight of the blue drink Percy told me about the blue thing I just never thought he was serious about it. he gave one to each of us we thanked him

Basically our hole day was like that we just hung out and talked I told my mom everything about me growing up on Olympus

( I didn't tell her about the hole heir of chaos thing me and Percy agreed to it. we were scared it would give her a heart attack or something)

When I woke up the next morning Percy was on the floor so I did what any normal person would do I jumped on my brother and yelled happy birthday oh did I forget to mention today was our 13 birthday our first B-day together I was so excited.

His eyes flashed open and he looked at me Sea get off and why are you yelling it's like 6 in the morning

It's 8 in the morning and I'm yelling because HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY TWIN I yelled

He sat up so fast I fell off of him. ow I complained, he smiled at me come on we have to get ready he said before running off. I took off after him yelling I call bathroom first that didn't happen he beat me there then locked the door.

PERCY I called it first I yelled he laughed sorry I got here first. I sighed the walked in the kitchen hey mom I said
She ran up to me and hugged me happy 13 Sea she smiled thanks mom hey would you get mad at me if I pulled a prank on Percy I asked

She shock her head no put just clean up the mess she told me thanks mom I yelled before running back to the bathroom I pressed my ear against the door I could hear the water running I laughed to myself here we go I focused on the sound of the water then I thought ice cold.

Not even a minute later Percy yelled cold then I heard something fall hard I went through the door laughing my butt off Percy are you ok I asked

He looked pissed Sea your dead it was hard to take him seriously he had shampoo in his hair and was naked I threw him a towel the ran away laughing. he chased me all through out the house he even used his own water powers trying to get me haha it didn't work.

Then the door opened who can in no other then my dad I yelled trying to stop but he caught me then Percy.

What are you two doing he asked

I tried to flash out of his arms that didn't work.
Then Percy yelled she turned the water ice cold when I was in the shower he yelled

I couldn't help it I started laughing so did my dad.

Ok ok Sea what do you have to say to your brother my dad asked I looked at Percy and smiled your towel is slipping kelp head I said. Percy blushed and pulled up towel with his free hand. Sea that's not what I meant my dad said.

Fine fine Percy I'm sorry I said

He smiled at me then ice cold water was dumped on my head

After my dad got a hold of us I used the opportunity to get my twin back I dumped the same ice cold water over her head.

Then her eyes started glowing red she looked at me I quickly stopped laughing

PERCY YOUR DEAD SHE YELLED my dad let go of us I took off running screaming IM SORRY IM SO SORRY PLEASE SEA DONT KILL ME. I didn't stop running in'till i was behind the couch I looked up and Sea was on the ground dieing she was laughing. what's so funny I asked she got up the fact that you tried to get me back then took off running yelling Sea I'm sorry I'm so sorry sea please don't kill me she laughed.

Then we all stopped laughing my dad fixed me up with a sea green t-shirt that said twin #1 on it

Sea got a similar shirt but it was sea blue and it said twin #2 on it.
After breakfast and hanging out with our parents we went to back to camp.

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