I kept my promise

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Percy yelled ok let's do this and we all ran forward I let my wings out, took out my sword and had hurricanes form every were knocking out demigods so they won't get hurt (to much).

Me and Percy ran to get Annabeth out of under the sky she looked awful like really messed up. Percy ran to her he looked at me I nodded.

He quickly pushed her out from under the sky and he was now holding I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders I pushed that thought out of my head and gave Percy my strength. I felt better right away I made sure to give Annabeth a lot of healing and power before I flashed us to were Nico and Will were fighting.

Nico had Skeletons and zombies everywhere Will shooting monsters with arrows left and right.

Ok guys get her out of her Nico grabbed Annabeth then kissed my cheek don't die out here coral brain. I laughed I won't now go I yelled.

The Nico shadow traveled them out of there. thank the gods she's ok.

I gave Percy more power I could feel he needed it.

I turned around to see Zoë fighting her father I got a vision of her dieing I shock my head and ran to help her then I saw it her father Atlas stabbed his own daughter in the chest.

NOOO me, Artemis, and Percy yelled in unison.

I was so mad I could feel my true form take over and I blacked out.

Percy POV
I just saw Zoë get stabbed NOO I yelled then I looked at my sister she didn't look happy black, white, and gray sparkly flames surrounded her.
Her wings looked sharper like they weren't made out of feathers but knifes. her eyes glowed blue meaning it was her power.

Then she disappeared I looked back to were Zoë was but what I was my sister fighting Atlas I could see power leaving his body and going into Sea then I heard her yell

You took her life she was your daughter!
You took all these kids who were confused about what to do and made them fight for you!
You took my family and that is something I don't take lightly you son of a!.....

She stopped before Artemis kicked Atlas next to me I quickly rolled out from underneath the sky were I saw my sister was back to normal. she was crying next to Artemis who held Zoë in her arms crying her eyes out.

I sat next to Artemis I put my arm around her shoulders it's ok Artemis she's in a better place now I tried to her comfort. she cried into me but still held Zoë in her arms.

She was my best friend she cried. I know I know me and Sea said in unison.

Artemis stopped crying she looked at her best friend and kissed her forehead Zoë started to glow then she turned into star dust finally she was in the sky.

Sea waved her hand and Zoë glowed brighter then the rest of the stars.

Thank you Sea Artemis said

She nodded no problem she was my friend too.

The trip back home was not a happy one I told Sea everything about the trip from Rachel Elizabeth Dare to Bianca dieing in the junkyard.

She cried when I told her about Bianca. I know she was Sea's friend and Nico's sister.

We got to camp everyone surrounded us I took a deep breath and told everyone everything was ok and told them the story of the quest.

I heard a small cry from the group I looked up to see it was Nico. Sea ran up to him and hugged him he cried into her yelling no no Sea no how could she leave me Sea.

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