My plan

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After I told Chiron about the hole quest save Annabeth and Artemis he said Percy, Thalia, Grover, Zoë, and Bianca will go save them.

What he didn't know I was taking another group to help fight when the first group gets there.

The first group left this morning and I gathered up my back up group which is me, Nico, Phoebe, Will Solace, and the Stoll twins Travis and Conner.

Ok guys here's the plan after I get the signal from Percy I flash us to were they are I will explain the rest of the plan when we get there is that clear I said.
Any questions the Stolls both raised there hands.

Yes Travis I asked
He smiled how will we know when it's time to go he asked.

I sighed I'll have a bright blue flame go off in the sky that's your queue to get here ask fast as you can because we need to go ok. he nodded

Conner I asked

Yeah what is the signal he asked. I shock my head that's for me too know and you to find out got that. he nodded.

Anything else everyone shook there heads
good I said

Ok bed I need you guys to be ready not matter what got that they nodded and left except for Nico.

Sea you want to go for a walk he asked.

I smiled no I want to go camping.

We are camping Sea he laughed.

I shock my head no just you and me grab some pjs skull face your coming with me.

He nodded and ran off.

(I know what you thinking and NO nothing is going to happen I just need to be around Nico right now I need to remember this warm feeling he has and his big smile like nothing is wrong)

After Nico came back I lead him deep into the woods after away I found a perfect space were you could see the stars perfectly. I throw my tent down yes the same one I had before.

I laid on the ground and looked at the stars I always loved the night sky (not just because my symbol of power is a star with a water lily in front of it)

Nico laid next to me I put my head on his chest he played with my hair.

So Sea why did you want to come all the way out here for he asked.

I sighed I'm not allowed to take my boyfriend out and not find a nice romantic places just to relax before the big fight I asked.

Nope so spill it he said

I groaned fine I just waited to spend a night with you and the rules and camp say no girls and boys in a cabin alone together at night.

He laughed you and Percy have a cabin to yourself so aren't you two braking the law.

I pinched him kids that aren't you siblings smart butt.

He chuckled yeah I know just teasing.

I rolled my eyes and started at the sky
Me and Nico talked about the stars and how pretty they are but the sky didn't look right with out the moon.

We did fall asleep and was woken up by a very pissed off Chiron what do you two think you are doing he yelled.

I looked at him the crawled away for Nico ummm we were talking about the stars and I guess we fell asleep (again not a lie)

He shook his head this will NOT happen again understand miss.Jackson. I nodded my head.

(I might be a goddess but Chiron does not care he isn't scared to yell or lecture me which I don't mind it just he doesn't have to do it so much)

I packed up and we walked back to camp we got to the dining pavilion and all eyes were on us.

WHAT I yelled

Everyone turned away some whistling others just started talking.

I rolled my eyes and sat down at the POSEIDON table it's lonely with out Percy like really boring.

I don't get food off the buffet I just flick my wrist and food appears, I also don't do the hole food in fire thing my dad told me not to do it plus Order and Chaos told me not to do it too so I don't do it.

After a long two days I started to have blood run down my arm the signal I yelled.

I let a bright blue flame in the sky and my group showed up.

Ready everyone they all nodded grabbed on the all put in hand on me and I flashed them to the first group.

Percy POV
You know what I feel like crap right now the girl I like us holding up the sky one of my friends die in the way here and on top of it all Sea is coming to MY rescue isn't that supposed to be the big brother's job to come save his little sister apparently not in this family.

I sent the signal to my sister which is I had to make a small cut in my arm (I hate that we share the same pain)

After I did Sea, Nico, Phoebe, Will, and the Stolls showed up.

Hi Sea smiled
Ok what's the plan I asked
She smiled Percy you go get Annabeth out of there I need you to hold the sky up I will give you some power so it won't hurt so much I will behind you throw Annabeth to me I will heal her just enough so Will and Nico can take her to camp.

Nico shadow travel Will and Annabeth to camp. Will make sure you get Annabeth all healed up when you get back to camp got that so far. we all nodded.

Ok second part hunters go get artemis heal her best you can.
Also Nico I need you to get rid of the hellhounds before you leave

Stolls you got to make sure the hunters get to artemis ok then you can prank everyone else just not us got that she said. we all nodded

Ok I yelled lets do this.

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