12 years later (edited)

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It's been 12 years since my dad brought me to Olympus to be trained on how to use my powers. this morning is no special from any other (so I thought) I walked out of my room which is turquoise with black swirls design I think it looks cool. I got to the kitchen and froze in my tracks there was Demeter making her self a bowl of cereal. what is up with my aunt and cereal I ducked behind the counter so she didn't see me I got up and went to the fridge to get my strawberries and then I had to try to get to my waffles "oh gods I might get caught and have to eat that nasty cereal. I was sick and tired of cereal because I had to eat the same one all the time now I refuse to eat it." I said quietly to myself. I saw my aunt as she started to turn around so I jumped behind to counter hopefully she didn't see me. "Sea?" my aunt asked. "Crap I have been spotted" I said to myself
"Aunt D," I said as I tried to stand up I hit my head on the counter "ow" I yelled. she smiled "what are you doing down there child" she laughed. "umm tying up my boot," I said. she looked at me and sighed here she slid a plate to me I looked down at it and saw "WAFFLES" I yelled "thank you" I told her before running to the dining room to eat I sat down and then the twins came in fighting like always. "what happened this time" I asked between bites. "Apollo gave my hunters a sunburn" yelled Artemis. "they should have been wear sunscreen" Apollo chuckled. "THEY WERE INSIDE" Artemis yelled. "here we go again" I said "ok Apollo go heal the poor girls and leave your sister alone or your children will wake up in the lake you hear me" he nodded and ran out the room "thanks" said Artemis before going after him. "finally back breakfast" I said with a smile. Before I could take one more stupid bite here my dad came in yelling "WATER-LILLY YOU ARE LATE."

What how can I be late I looked at the clock I had five minutes to get to the throne room before uncle Zeus throws a fit I got up and ran out of the room. I made it with a couple of seconds to spare. "Hi uncle," I said walking in. "there you are Sea you almost late did you sleep in or something." 'Boy do I wish' I whispered to myself

"No the twins were fighting again so I had to stop them." he laughed and said "here is your schedule for today" he handed me the paper
First battle strategies with Athena "ok I'm fine with that" Shadow travel with Hades
"Yes he promised next time we can go to London"
Flying lessons with me
"Good grief, not this again I suck at flying I like the ground, not the air"
Fire control with Hephaestus and Hestia
"Yes I love Hestia she might not be a major goddess, but she is very important like me'
Finally, Chaos wants to talk to you "ok fine with me"

After a long day of training I get to go to my favorite place ever Chaos's palace I walked in and there was Chaos waiting for me. "Hi, Chaos you wanted to talk," I asked. "Yes Sea I need to tell you something" I answered
"what is it," I asked. he looked at me and smiled "first I'm going to unlock all your powers."
"What" I yelled, "you told me not until I'm 13 you were going to unlock all my powers" he walked over to me and said, "you will be soon right."
" yeah but I'm still 12," I said he laughed "it's ok just think of it as an early birthday present ok," he said. "Fine go ahead I'm ready" he walked up to me and put his warm hand on my shoulder where my mark was then his eye started to glow and I felt a sharp pain in my back I wanted to scream out in pain "why does this hurt so freaking bad"

After about five minutes the pain and the glowing stopped I fell to my knees "what was that" I cried. He looked at me and said, "look behind you." I looked behind me wings big Gary shiny wings. I looked back at Chaos who was smiling "you are now officially Princess of the universe" he got down on one knee and said "Water-Lilly Jackson princes of the universe I like that" and with that  he stood back up and smiled "you should go back to Olympus now and let it everyone see you" I nodded and walked out of the beautiful castle that one day will be my home.

When I finally got back my dad was at the door so I couldn't sneak in.
"I swear I can't ever do anything"

"Sea?" my dad asked like he was confused about who I was. I turned around "Hi dad did you miss me." he ran to me "What happened to you, who did this" he yelled. I rolled my eyes "dad I always had these" I lied pointing to my wings "it's just that I decided to let them show" I said trying to smile. he picked me up and flashed us to the throne room he sat me down and everyone just looked at me with there mouths open "what happened" asked Athena "I'm letting my wings show from now on" I smiled then Aphrodite frowned at me "you don't match", "only she would point that out" I thought to myself. She complained then snapped her fingers so I stood there with a black leather jacket, a blue shirt, a dark pair of grey skinny jeans with my combat boots. "thanks!" I said loving my new outfit she smiled at me and said "now your hair" she said with a smirk on her face
she cut it to about my shoulders and then gave me a side bang that went to the right and blue tips she threw me a mirror so I could take a look I was so happy "thank you" I said running up to her and gave her a big hug she said "you're welcome my child". I turned back to everyone they all have a big smile on their face then Zeus said "now back to the meeting" I sat in my black and blue throne next to my farther. Zeus stood up and cleared his throat before he could say anything my eye started to glow and then I said
"Perseus Jackson
Son of Poseidon
Year 12"
"What just happened," Hera asked. "every time a new demigod comes to camp I get told through my power," I said then looked at my father who was looking at the ground. "Dad," I said, "who is Perseus  and how come he is the same age as me."
"well," he said the Zeus cut him off "brother it's time to tell her." "what tell her what" I complained.

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