We leave for the quest

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I woke up to someone knocking on the door I got up and opened it and said "what do you want Annabeth." (the funny thing was I had my eyes still closed whoops)
"How did you know...... never mind get ready we leave for the quest today!" she sounds to excited for my liking because it was like 6 in the morning everyone knows don't wake me up until at least 7 but new place new rules I guess.

"Ok I'll get ready and we will see you guys there in a hour ok" I said she shock her head and left. I closed the door behind her "now it's time to have some fun" I said.
I walked back over to Percy and smiled me and him both drool in our sleeps, but his is way worse then mine. I used my powers to clean the drool off the best I could then jumped on my brother yelling "Percy there's a fire and Annabeth is stuck in side!"

I flew off of him to see him fall out of bed yelling "I'm coming Annabeth don't worry the water boy is coming!" I was dieing laughing I jumped in front of him saying "Percy there's no fire Annabeth is ok she is waiting for us to get ready so we can leave" I tried so hard not to laugh at the look in his face.

"So you just woke me up yelling fire for no reason" he scolded me. I couldn't hold it in no more I fell in the floor dieing OMGS this was hilarious!

"no I had a reason you kept muttering something about Annabeth in your sleep saying I'll save you and I had to get you back" I said still laughing.

He punched me in the head then we both grabbed the back of our heads and said "OW!" I smiled at him "it wouldn't have hurt if you didn't hit me jack wagon" I yelled he rolled his eye at me "whatever lets get ready I don't what to be here any more anyway."

After about 45 minutes me and Perce were already and heading to half-blood hill to meet Annabeth and Grover. "Hi' I yelled Annabeth tapping her foot "what took you so long" she asked  I pointed at Percy "it was his fault not mine." he punched me in the arm I gave him a I'm going to get you back look.

he stepped away from me just a little bit. "so are we going to get.." then I was rudely interrupted by a tall surfer dude with blond hair and a scar on his eye yelling "wait Percy I have something for you" he ran up to Percy.
"What is it Luke?" Percy asked
All of a sudden I knew exactly who this guy was Luke little snake, but sadly I couldn't let anyone now about that I had to let the future play out on its own.
Luke handed Percy a shoe box and said "here take these they will help you out on your quest you know if you use them" he smiled. (I wanted to punch him in the face so bad right now)
"Hey Sea what are you talking about" I heard Percy in my head. "nothing just rambling" I said back. he looked at me with a like I don't believe you look. I smiled and "thanks for the gift Luke but Percy is a son of Poseidon him and the sky don't mix plus ZEUS already wants to kill us if we go in his Territory we'll be fish jerky" I said calmly. 

Percy gave me a death glare and looked at Luke "hey thanks man I'm sure these will come in handy but are you sure you don't need them."

Luke shock his head "nope I have more then one pair of these bad boys" he said with a smile the quickly added a "you guys good luck on the quest" and off down the hill him went "good riddance" I thought to myself.

Percy punched my shoulder "what was that all about" he yelled.
"OW!" I complained "I have a bad feeling about that guy plus what I said was true me you flying right now not a good idea that's why I don't have my wings out" I explained. Percy rolled his eyes "whatever" he mumbled. 

Before we could leave the hill Chiron ran up to us "wait Percy I have something for you!" he yelled, when he finally got to us he put a pen in Percy's hands I smiled "riptide took long enough for Chiron to give it to him" I thought.

"A pen?" Percy asked I rolled my eyes Chiron smiled "open it Percy."

Percy took off the cap and a 3 feet bronze sword shoot out. Percy was in awe he smiled "it feels perfect but how all the swords here never really worked for me before how does this one feel so perfect" he asked. Chiron smiled at "Percy it was a gift from your father" percy looked at shocked then he smiled "thanks Chiron" he said. then Chiron nodded and said "go on throw it." "WHAT!" Percy yelled Chiron chuckled to himself "it should magically appear back in your pocket go on throw it."  Percy did as he was told he through it I counted to five in my head, then Percy put his hand in his pocket and he pulled out the pen "WOW!" me and Percy said in unison (I was just acting out the part I already knew what was going to happen). I smiled at Chiron and nodded at him "thanks" Percy smiled at me then Chiron said "you guys should get going you know."

Me and Percy nodded and ran to catch up with the others.
"TO LOS ANGELES EVERYONE" I yelled Percy and Grover laughed and Annabeth smiled at me then we got in the car and started to drive west.

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