We get to camp ok

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I woke up to Nico jumping on me Sea wake up we have to go he kept yelling. I think I might have snapped because I sat up grabbed him into a bear hug and went back to bed that didn't work then he kept yelling Sea can't breath Artemis said if you don't get up the hunters will come and get you up. I signed and let go of Nico fine I'll get up I'll be ready in ten minutes go tell miss crabby pants to keep it calm I'm getting up I complained.

Nico ran out the room blushing (I know what your thinking and no what your thinking is wrong I just wanted to shut him up ok) I got ready in eight minutes packed up my tent and met the others there waiting for me.

Took you long enough Sea she smiled I see your wearing the clothes I brought you said Artemis. I signed I didn't have time to get different clothes you guys wouldn't leave me alone to sleep and I'm to tried to use my powers this early in the morning I said.

The hunters all laughed probably remembering the old days when I trained with them. Zoe walked up to me and said I remember back in the old days you we're always the first one up running around camp telling us to get up and if we didn't you would dump water on us. I laughed why didn't you guys do that to me I asked then released it was a stupid question never mind I said quickly they all laughed again.

So I cleared my throat
How are we getting to camp I asked.
Artemis laughed how do we get anywhere else cuz we run she explained.
but we have Nico he can't keep up with us plus I don't think half of your hunters can keep up with me I said.
Artemis smiled you're just going to have to fly and care him.
WHAT I don't want to fly plus I don't think it safe for me to care Nico when last time I flew somewhere your dad tried to kill me I yelled.
Artemis frowned his your problem and I don't think my dad will shoot you guys out of the sky this time
Fine I give up I'll do it your way I yelled
She smiled good now go get the boy and hurry up I want to leave in ten.
I stuck out my tongue at her and went to go look for Nico

NICO I yelled where are you. then I saw him and Bianca talking I signed she must have told him great I thought. I took a deep breath hey guys we got to go Nico your with me ok. he smiled and ran up to me Sea how are we leaving.
I smiled I'm going to fly and your going to ride on my back.
He looked at me scared
I smiled I promise I won't drop you ok
He smiled ok he grabbed my hand and pulled me to everyone else was. (I'll fully admit I might have blushed a little when he grabbed my hand)

When we got to everyone else Artemis smiled at me are you going to use your wings or the winds to fly Sea she asked me. (wasn't the answer obvious)

I'll use my wings thank you very much I said the spread my wings. Nico looked at me and his jaw dropped you have wings he yelled.
I smiled and nodded my head pretty cool right I asked
He yelled that's an understatement your wings are AWESOME.
We all started laughing

Come on Nico we better go
He nodded his head ok he jumped on my back which is weird because we are like the same height I might have a couple inches on him but not much.

Then I took off I felt Nico's grip tighten around my neck I was flew up high enough were we couldn't been seen but I still can see the hunters ok.
Hey Nico I said
Yeah Sea he asked
How old are you
He laughed I'm nine
(I felt like a shrimp)
Why did you ask he said

Because you are almost as tall as me I would think you were like ten or something not nine now I feel short I said
He laughed how old are you he asked
I smiled I'm twelve Nico I'll be thirteen soon.
Really he asked
How old did you think I was I asked
Well umm I thought you were like eleven like Bianca he said
I laughed and shook my head nope I'm twelve

Awkward silence

Then Nico asked Sea you said you were born a demigod what did you mean by that

I smiled Nico I'm a god I was made a god a couple days after I was born I explained

How are you a god I never heard of you before he asked

I chuckled like I told you Nico I'm only twelve so yeah you wouldn't have heard of me I explained

Wow Nico said what are you the goddess of

I was shocked he said goddess most people say God of I smiled I'm the goddess of trust,loyalty,hurricanes, and demigods Nico

That's so cool he said

I laughed thanks Nico glad you think so

Then rest of the day me and Nico just talked like how are life's were growing up and who are favorite Greek myths are (well they aren't myths they are real but that's just what you call them)

I had a real good time just hanging out with him every time he said something I felt my heart speed up. (what is this feeling I'm feeling)

I shook my head out of that thought then I saw it camp half blood I smiled Nico we are here welcome to camp half blood. camp of demigods I yelled. I felt his grip tighten again. I flew down to meet the hunters. as soon as I touched the ground Nico jumped off thanks for the ride Sea he said
I smiled it was nothing Nico

Then the hunters showed up well well looks like I won hunters I said. they all laughed and did a mocking bow I guess you do win my lady.
You guys know I hate that I yelled. they all laughed again

(I have always hated being called all those formal titles it drives me crazy my dad said I'm just being modest but I just don't like them it makes me feel old)

I rolled my eyes yeah yeah laugh it up come on they are serving lunch some I said we all walked in camp and here came Chiron in his wheelchair form well hello hunters and my lady Artemis he said.
I step forward hi Chiron I'm back I brought a new person

then Nico stepped up hi I'm Nico Di'Angelo he said he held out his hand. Chiron shook his hand nice to meet you Nico we will have to get you settled in at cabin 11 later right now why don't we get you some one to give you a tour of the place Nico nodded.
Chiron yelled hey Will can you please give young Nico here a tour of the camp. Will solace came running up to us of course he said come on Nico I'll show you the camp. ok Nico yelled and took off with Will.

But I wanted to show him the camp I thought then snapped out of it when Chiron said Sea me and you need to talk. I nodded we will right after lunch ok. he laughed you and your brother are two peas in a pot you know that he said. I nodded I take that as a complement. them wanted to the dinner hall.

After lunch I had a meeting with Chiron I told him everything from that stupid arch thing to now he understood most of it he only asked like two questions out of the hole story so I guess that's a good thing.

Chiron signed so you are waiting for Percy to get to the underworld so you can go help him again. I nodded well that's the plan anyway I said. he smiled well if I were you I would spend the time training you never know what your going to face down there he said. I nodded thanks Chiron.

Then I walked out of the big house to be tackled by Nico. Hey Nic what's up I asked. He smiled at me you were right this place is awesome he said I smiled glad you are having fun but do you mind getting off of me. he blushed the shot up sorry he yelled. I laughed and got up its ok really I'm good so want to hang out I asked he nodded can we go to the beach he asked I smiled of course we can I smiled race you there I yelled and took off running. hey no fair I heard him yell behind me.

After he finally got to the beach we just hung out you talked and walked I even showed him what I would do with the water he thought it was so cool

(I know I know I might have been showing off just a little bit)

Then it was time for dinner Nico sat with the Hermes kids and I sat at the Poseidon table I was eating dinner when I heard Percy in my head "Sea we are in the underworld are you coming or what he said". I wanted to cry I missed his voice and spoke back be there soon. I grabbed my backpack and told Nico I would be back soon and then flashed right next to my brother.

He smiled at me what took you so long he asked I smiled sorry I was in the middle of dinner so let's go meet our uncle shall we I said the we started walking

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