I go visit the best camp ever

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I ran to my room grabbed my bag and ran to the door
my dad stopped me and gave me a locket with a picture of my mom, dad, me and Percy when we were babies. I hug my dad and flash to the entrance of the camp as I walked in someone came out of no were

"Chiron?" I asked as the teacher rolled up to me. "who are you" he asked me. "well" I said trying to find the right words I'm Water-Lilly but, please call me Sea" i said smiling. "do you have a last name"he asked.
"yes it's" I took a deep breath "Jackson" I smiled. his eyes open so wide he looked at the camp and then back at me and said "come with me" I followed him to the big house where he blew the horn and a bunch of kids came in "who are they" I asked and then my eyes glowed and I spat out a whole bunch of names "never mind" I smiled blushing slightly at them.

then a young girl stepped out of the crowd and asked me "who are you" I smiled

"your Annabeth Chase right" she nodded her head I smiled back "I'm Water-Lilly Jackson but please call me Sea" everyone's mouth dropped to the floor was it really that surprising. then a boy around my age came out of the crowd I knew exactly who he was it was Percy I smiled at him and said "well hello Percy" I Said, "why do you have the same last name as me" he asked I smiled back ( I wanted to say because it's a common last name duh but I refrained myself) and I took my locket and put his hands "open it" I said he did the looked at me wanting me to explain "me and you are twins we are born the same day same mother and have the same father it's just that I lived at Olympus all this time with dad when you stayed with mom"

let's just say he fainted and Annabeth caught him thank the Gods when I dumped a glass of water on him he woke up and I took the locket it out of his hand and put it back around my neck "so we are" he started saying but I cut him off

"Yep" I said smiling

"no I don't believe it" he yelled

I smiled at him "I don't care what you believe it's the truth" I said he put his Head is his hands "I can't believe this I have a twin sister" he said

"believe it I just found out yesterday" I told him he looked at me and then look to Chiron "do you see the resemblance" he asked I smirked he looked at me the back of Percy he said "you guys do look like brother and sister" I smiled at Percy "see there you go."

Percy just shock his head
"What do I have to do to prove it" I asked. "I don't know" he sighed
"then why don't you Believe me kelp head" I yelled at him. he looked at me and stood up "let's start with the fact that I literally just met you you walked into camp claiming to be my sister plus you have huge wings and I don't know why but there's a power bouncing off of you" he yelled in my face (gods I wanted to punch him and what's wrong with my wings). "ok" I started to say but was cut off with a really bad pain in my shoulder "my mark" I thought I looked up Percy he grabbed his neck and felt his knees "what's this pain I'm feeling" he asked me

I walked up behind him remove just hand and looked there is the chaos symbol the symbols universe the same one I have on my right shoulder "dammit" I said under my breath I smiled at my brother. I told everyone else in the room to get out I grabbed Percy and flashed us to Chaos's place.

"OMGS" I said, Percy was so scared he looked at me so what did you do I threw my hands up in the air and I said " I didn't do anything that was all chaos" he looked at me tilted his head Chaos all of a sudden a black mist swirled around me and Percy when I opened my eyes I saw we where in the throne room and standing next to me was my beloved twin who right now doesn't believe I'm his twin and the man standing in front of us was no other then chaos himself "what do you want chaos" I asked "you don't want to see me" he asked with a hint of sadness in his voice I looked at him and said "not right now I'm trying to explain to him that he's my brother I was kind of busy" I smiled at him. Then Percy stood up "ok who are you and why are we I mean why am I here."

Chaos smiled at Percy and said "I'm here to explain everything."

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