Back to the labyrinth

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Percy POV
After me and Sea or Persis whatever her name is ill ask later. left Ogygia we went to camp.
When we got there the camp was empty

No no no we can't be to late I yelled.
Sea said at me the walked over to the amphitheater and the camp came to life everyone was there.

Thank the gods I prayed to myself the I ran over to Sea and then I saw Annabeth, Rachel, Grover, and Tyson I ran to them I gave them a big hug.

Oh PERCY we thought you died Annabeth cried.
I chuckled you guys can't get rid of me that easily.

They laughed Sea cleared her throat well if we are all done here we have something to finish don't we PERCY.

I nodded then looked at Rachel and Annabeth we have to go back into the labyrinth I said.
Rachel smiled I know we've been waiting for you two she said.

Me and Sea laughed. well we had a little stop don't worry we'll explain later Sea said. I nodded in approval.

We got our stuff and went back into the labyrinth dang I feel like Thomas from the Maze runner right now

(yes Sea made me read the book which is a good book)

We followed Rachel it was very quiet to quiet the silence was killing me so I broke it

Umm Sea I have been meaning to ask you something I said

Yeah Perce she said

What is your really name I asked.

She chuckled Greek or Roman she asked

What I asked confused

You know how there are greek gods and roman gods well roman is just another part of the Greek gods so I ask again Greek or Roman she said

Umm both I said

Well in Greek I'm Water Lilly Jackson goddess of trust, loyalty, hurricanes, and demigods
In Roman I'm Persis Jackson daughter of Neptune goddess of hurricanes, loyalty, Heroes, and demigods she explained

To be honest I think we where all dumbfounded.
So that's why calypso called you Persis because when you meet her you were in your roman form I asked.

She nodded see PERCY I know you were smart then you let on.

We all laughed at that.
Then I saw someone or something running toward us.

Me and Sea jumped in front and took out our swords. then we heard clapping coming from behind us.

Sea laughed good job Luke you managed to sneak up on us kind of.

We turned around Luke didn't look happy.

What do you mean kind of he barked.

She smiled look behind you
He turned around and saw Annabeth with her dagger pointed at his chest.

He laughed what are you going to do Annabeth kill me he teased

Hey don't talk to her like that I yelled

Percy I'm sorry she said then put he dagger down them me and Sea were grabbed from behind next thing I know me and Sea are in our knees without our weapons and our hands tied behind our backs.

Great Sea said Chaos silver chains that's all I need right now she sighed

I looked at her she was pulling her hands apart but no good the chains weren't braking.

We were picked up and they made us stand on our feet I looked over at Annabeth and Rachel both tied up as well.

Was I made at Annabeth not really I would have done the same thing if I were in her place.

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